John | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I researched different whole house water filters for several weeks and ended up with I Spring. I saw several reviews stating that they were experiencing leaks and a couple reviews even said the main housing cracked during installation. in my opinion these are the best water filters out there in this price range. The main bodies; (what the water lines attach to and the filter canisters screw into), is indeed plastic... but it is very thick and substantial - I was quite impressed and very pleased when i got them. When you pick one up you instantly notice the weight ... these things are beefy! I would suggest putting 6 or 7 complete wraps of Teflon tape around the fitting that you screw in to the housing. In doing that, I have not had any leaks and the unit has been installed for 3 weeks. Also , you do not need to over tighten the fitting, I used a 10 in wrench to reduce leverage and just put reasonable force into it. The filters themselves also are quite beefy and appear to be capable of significant loading before you see a noticeable pressure drop. just this week I have noticed an improvement in the water taste and starting to notice a difference in the reduction of water spots on dishes after washing, etc. I think it will take a couple months for all the water pipes to clean out a bit before the real difference is apparent. I had a cheaper system about 5 years ago and ended up ripping it out about a year later because of leaks and constantly replacing the filters. Then this summer I decided to try a better system. I highly recommend this product and more importantly this manufacturer. On a side note, I also ordered a 4th stage which is not installed yet; (the flex line will be replaced with rigid copper once I get the 4th stage installed). It was the big blue 20" filter and it did not come with the mounting bracket ... my bad. I contacted ISpring and they told me that the bracket is not included with the one i ordered. But in the same breath they said that their customer satisfaction is most important and they are sending me one completely free of charge without me even asking. So just stop reading reviews and order their products and get your water quality increased !!!

Sharlene Harding | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Installed this over the weekend. So far the water is noticeably clearer and not stinky!

EVC | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great product, Very well built… Simple installation. Be sure to use sufficient teflon tape . I reduced the intake to 3/4 with a pvc bushing. As an added precaution I placed a hose clamp around the outer edge of the bushing before putting the 3/4" hard pipe in… It's a bit of extra insurance to prevent splitting of the bushing,, so why not ? BTW,, not all pvc bushings are the same. If there is a visible seam in the threads I won't use them. They tend to leak under pressure. Also, a small amount of plumbers putty with tape was helpful in preventing the minor weep on the intake side that others have experienced here. This two stage canister unit serves as the primary whole house filter from pressure tank. (well system). No noticeable change in 40/60 pressure. Plan to install a third canister to the kitchen water feed using a 0.5 micron filter. Not sure it's needed but it's an easy do ,so why not ? I expect some minor pressure drop on this line but it's used for drinking water and cooking only. The final 3rd stage filter can always be changed to meet future needs…. I ordered the slightly thicker o-rings (capt o-ring 151122 ) They fit. Update 6 Jan 2019. System is still working well… no leaks ,,,Changed the primary filter,, used the same O ring. No problems. In my opinion this is probably one of the best filter systems out there. Update Jul 2020…. System continues as expected. Changed the primary and secondary filters ,,, Reused the o rings again , Third filter and no leaks,,,,,,,p/n 15122. Installed the third filter described above about a year ago for kitchen…… Used a 0.5 carbon filter... Works well with a slight reduction in pressure. Also installed an RO system the get's its supply from the secondary filter , The RO system feeds the ice maker as well.
Cedie | 5 out of 5 Stars!

It deserves the rating! Great water pressure from my well. No more sink or shower stains and water tastes great! Lasts 5 months for us, and it comes out of our outdoor slicker. Our beautiful boxer dogs love it too. Never saw them drink down the water like this. Lol Plus: shop and save deliveries come every 5 months. Plus: shop and save deliveries come every 5 months. More cost savings from AMAZON!!!
Nica L. | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Loving it. The chlorine smell is finally out of my water. We have city water and it seems to be heavily chlorinated. We have had a nice water filter under our kitchen sink for drinking water for many years. I never realized just how bad bathing/showering in chemicals can be just as bad as drinking them. I found this whole house system for less money than I expected a whole house filter system would be and purchased it. My husband hooked it up. It did take him a while to install it. He has some experience with plumbing but our old house always presents a challenge.I don't know how long we will get out of the filters before changing them but he installed pressure gauges on the system so that we can keep an eye out for when they start to slow down and we will change the filters at that point. He also installed a bypass valve so that we can shut down the system quickly if needed. It's nice to have the clean city water coming into our house and then filtering it before we use it. We have a two bedroom home with two occupants if that helps with your decision on what size system to purchase.
R. Axelrod | 5 out of 5 Stars!

You don't know how good a company is until you have a problem. We installed a 2 stage whole house filter just for our kitchen sink because we didn't want to install an additional faucet and change filters too often. My wife didn't like the taste of the tap water even though it passed the water tests with flying we decided on the Ispring because it removed all the stuff that would make the water taste bad while leaving most of the minerals that make the water taste good. After installation and running the water for 1/2 an hour the water tasted worse that before.....crap. I called Don at Ispring and he suggested we rinse out the plastic housings with soap and water and run the water for 1 - 2 hours. He also told me about other more expensive filters which could be an option if we weren't happy (I really didn't want to spend more $$) and he made a point of reassuring me that he would work with us until we were completely satisfied. We did as he suggested and it improved dramatically but still had a bit of an after taste. The next day, before I even called him again 2 new (the more expensive) filters show up and I'm told that it's all covered and there chief concern was that we were satisfied. WOW. Just installed the new filters and there's a smile on my wife's to see that. Thanks to Don and Ispring
Believe_in_Jesus | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very well built heavy duty, just what you would expect for something that you don't want to have to keep replacing in a few years. If there was anything to dislike about this filter system it would be that the filter bodies are not clear and you could actually see the sediments starting to collect. Had no problem installing the new system, did use teflon tape and pipe dope to insure a perfect seal with no leaks. Now for the noticeable issue. The water pressure did seem to be noticeable lower so just as a off hand chance I took both the filters out and pressure was restored. I then place the filters back in one at a time and then it was when I noticed the carbon block filter was the issue. I contacted iSpring and talked to a customer rep named Nick. He was very professional and heard my complaint and immediately sent me out another fiter. I am happy to say this did correct the pressure issue and I am well pleased. Thank you iSpring
Scott | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very high quality product. I have this setup after my well pumps (CSV), it’s in the garage before my softener. It did wonders for the whole house water quality over the single GE 4.5x10 all-in-one filter we had (previous owner install). I considered 20” filters that would last longer than 6months, but I decided I would rather change them less than more, safer that way IMO. Plus the setup was is smaller and easier to deal with. Also in a pinch local box stores carry 4.5x10 filters.

Clarence | 5 out of 5 Stars!

After talking to Don at iSpring. This all went easy. And i’m happy with my system.

Agnes | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I've been using Zero Water filter pitchers for several yeas. The water is pure but only thing is there is limited amount every time. After installing our new WGB21B 2-stage Compact Whole House Water filter, my family no need manually filtering water to make coffee or cook food. The water tastes same great and has no smell of chlorine. No noticeable reduction in water pressure. In addition, my shower has gotten much better ( no more dry skin from the chlorine) at especially this season. We love the system.