DiamondPilot | 5 out of 5 Stars!

****UPDATE**** After I posted the initial review, the manufacturer contacted me and informed me that the UV stage of the product has been redesigned. The new UV ballast now includes a water flow sensor, and the UV bulb will only turn on when the water is flowing. Therefore the water does is not heated. The only flaw in this device has been completely remedied. The seller/manufacturer sent me the new, upgraded parts FREE OF CHARGE, even though I had purchased the unit almost 2 years earlier. I can't say enough about this level of customer service. As stated in my initial review, everything has worked perfectly with this unit for the 2 years I've owned it. UPGRADED TO 5 STARS and Highly recommended. ****ORIGINAL REVIEW**** I've been using this daily for 2 years with no issues, except one small thing- The first couple of cups of water that comes out of it during each use is HOT due to the ultraviolet bacterial-killing stage. That is the only reason for the 4-star rating instead of 5. This is only a minor inconvenience in most cases, but... I installed a "T" fitting and a pair of on/off valves from the local home improvement store so I could feed the output both to the sink faucet and my refrigerator's icebox. Worked fine at first, but the very high water temperature at the output damaged the O-rings in the aftermarket cut-off valves after only a couple of months. However, I still recommend this unit overall. It would be nice if they had a thermal cut-off switch on the UV. Then it would be perfect for its capacity and price.
John | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I want to start by saying kudos to iSpring for excellent documentation. This product could be considered somewhat difficult to install if it wasnt for the detailed step by step directions. I also recommend the youtube video.
Brookpap | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Prior to purchasing I did a lot of research into RO filters, this was one of the better value to quality filters with affordable replacement parts and great tasting water.
Realist | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Current set up: Well water run through a water softener and sediment house filter, registered readings at 550-600 ppm. After this unit installed registered between 25-40 ppm. Tested bottle water at 22 ppm, so I'll take it coming off a well. Very clean taste. Not only does this save us having to buy water, it was more the hassle of time spent filling 12+ gallons at a time. Should pay for itself over two-three years.
Nicole Simmons | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The RO system is great and a great price. We had someone come out for a different brand and they quoted us $1300 for a much more basic model. I really like this system. That being said I had a couple issues. The directions are very difficult to understand, but I found a YouTube video that helped a lot. The one they send you to watch isntt for this model, which has more to it, but its pretty easy to figure out. I also didnt take into account that this kind needs to be plugged in. Thats my own fault. I assumed there was an outlet below for the garbage disposal. Well, there isnt one, so I will have to have someone come out and install one. I needed the booster pump because I have such low pressure on my well. It works great though. I just have to open the cabinet under my sink and plug it into the outlet above. The cords are long. It works for now. The tank is large so I only need to plug it in every week or so and let it fill then unplug.
Bruce | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I hooked this up with two taps. The standard tap after the UV and mineralization filters and the second tap before the mineralizer by installing a tee and second valve in the line. This provides just very pure RO deionized water great for steam irons, humidifiers, and mixing window cleaners. Here are my results from measuring my water PH and the dissolved solid contents in parts per million.
Dave Binck | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Landed on this system after a lot of research. Price is very reasonable considering everything it does, and remarkable how much is packed into such a compact system. Instructions were clear and everything is color coded with push fittings, so it's really a no-brainer. Took about half a day to get up and running, but my setup is slightly more involved than the standard under-sink installation. Mounted the system in my basement under the kitchen area, put a T splitter on the output line, and with some extra 1/4 line from the hardware store
DaveS | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Bought this after a family member bought one and recommended it. I tried the water and it tasted great. I ordered the setup and a few extras to go along with it. I wound up installing mine away from the fridge and running it through the cabinets. This was easier both for future filter replacements and space needed.
R Cramit | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I'm not sure what is in our tap water, I suspect abnormally high chlorine levels, but whatever it is, my stomach bothers me immediately after I drink it. So we have been purchasing Costco bottled water for the past few years for our drinking water. Adding it up, we could have purchased probably three of these units by now with how much we have spent on bottle water. After going through the startup procedure in the instructions (make sure to read everything in the instructions, some key information is one sentence), this water system is making clean and tasty water. There is definitely a unique flavor imparted by the alkaline/mineral stage but I don't want to drink straight, \dead\"
JHo | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This thing has been one of my favorite purchases to date. I live in portland, OR, a city that boats as having some of the best tap water. It tastes awful to me and always has. Ive used Brita and zero filters, among others, but none of them do the job. It came down to a decision between this product, and the Berkey filter. I really like how infrequent the berkey filter needs changing in comparison to the mutliple times a year the RO sysyem needs, but i like how fine the RO filter is, so ultimately went with that.