Michael Gates | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This was installed quickly with no issues. I also like that the filters are not outrageous in price.
Matt Mysel | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Very easy to install. Water tastes like nothing...which is exactly what clean water is supposed to taste like. Installation took about 3 hours, which includes reading instructions and the extra step of drilling a hole in the counter. Tools Required My sink did not have an extra hole for the faucet so I had to drill through about 3/8 inch of granite and another half inch of cheap particle board countertop (granite was place over my existing countertop). I was able to pick up the 1/2 inch Diamond Core Bit for about $15 at my local hardware store.The rest of the required tools are items you likely already have. Check out the manual in the product description to make sure you have the other items. Faucet installation: Measuring from the front of the counter, I was able to accurately place my hole exactly where I wanted it. Drilling was very easy. I used the drill bit to make a hole in a plastic cup like container. While firmly pressing the plastic container on the counter, I poured about a quarter of an inch worth of water in it. Starting at an angle and then progressively increasing drill speed from slow to faster while at a 90 degree angle, I drilled through the granite portion. The plastic container also served to help ensure my hole was exactly where I planned for it to be. Just make sure to have a drip pan underneath to catch any water that will fall through if you dont have another layer to drill through. Then, I used a 1/2 inch drill bit to go the rest of the way through the wood/particle board that was underneath the granite. System installation: I found that reading the instructions and watching the video were sufficient in guiding me through the rest of the installation. Setup was quick, easy, and as expected. I did not experience any unforeseen issues. They give you lots of extra parts like O rings, those joints for the filters, and the blue quick connect locking things which is great because I dropped one somewhere behind my cabinet wall that I will never find again. Optional add-on of alkaline cartridge I really wanted the alkaline cartridge. We had an RO system pre-installed at our previous house. We liked it, but I was worried that drinking that pure of water was probably not the best for us. I compared the prices for the iSpring 6 stage iSpring FA15 10-in inline 2-Layer Alkaline Replacement Filter Cartridge with Calcite & Mineral balls;and connecting kit separately. At the time of purchasing, it was cheaper to just by the components separately so if you are looking at the 6 stage, consider doing that as well. Adding the alkaline step does not make the water have a flavor, but hopefully not as harsh on my body. Complaints The RO filter compartment came wet inside plus what looked like mold (see picture). This unit should have been brand new...but looks like I may have received one that was previously returned? Not worth complaining about so I cleaned it out and everything worked fine...but I bought a new item, NOT a used item. Usage: Ive only been using it for a few days now. There are lots of bubbles, but after they all settle, the water is clear and tastes very clean. We did flush the tank twice instead of just once as we saw a lot of bubbles. According to the troubleshooting section of the manual, the bubble issue should resolve itself within 1-2 weeks, so I'll report later if they do go down on their own. Previously we were relying on a PUR 2-stage water pitcher filter. You can definitely notice the lack of taste in the RO water. Plus now we don't have to worry about filling up the pitcher anymore. the facet is beautiful and matches with our existing sink hardware.
Gautam Kumar | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We were able to install this ourselves, but it did take a while. Its discreetly hidden under the sink with a slim sleek dispenser on the sink. We did a side-by-side taste test after and its incredibly noticeable the difference between tap water and RO system. Weve had it long enough to merit a filter change and seeing what it had collected and filtered out was shocking and satisfying at the same time. We loved it so much, we convinced my mother to purchase one as well.
anh nguyen | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have owned the 5 stage system for about 2 years. It replaced an old system I had problems finding replacement filters for. Easy installation into my existing refrigerator lines. Im 100 percent satisfied with this product. I recently added the 6th stage filter which improved the water taste. Easy upgrade to do later if you want to try without first.
david hadley | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Work as advertised
Borys Crane | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Fortunately, a friend told me about doing a lot of research before buying this very system for her place of business where a large amount of water is used constantly. She's right- thiis is definitely the best system for the money!
Dave Schmale | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Unboxing first Impressions - Everything was packaged very well and fit nice and snug in the individual boxes inside the larger box. Instructions were in color and pretty clear, even though they are a little out of date in terms of the faucet shipped. More on that next. Started the install on a Sunday afternoon... Installation - I watched the video on YouTube since I am not handy at all. Seemed pretty straight-forward, and it really was, until I got to the faucet install. Apparently, the system now ships with an updated faucet that looks nicer than the old one, but wouldn't fit into the pre-drilled 1.5 cut-out in my kitchen sink with the enclosed hardware. I was a little upset, but made a note to call iSpring the next morning regarding this and moved onto the next steps. The rest of the install went very smooth as the hoses all fit where they should go, after I took the time to to translate how my 5-stage model differed from the 7-stage that is in the video and the printed instructions. I was a little nervous drilling the hole in the drain pipe, but it wasn't bad at all. Then came the moment of truth. The initial turn-on - I mustered up the courage to turn the water back on and waited while the system started filling up. Uh oh, leaks in 2 of the hoses I installed!!! After shutting the water off and growing a little more upset, I realized that I hadn't pushed the hoses in enough. After drying all the spilled water up, and re-pushing the hoses in, I could feel a second kind of slick' when I pushed it in far enough. Okay, turned the water on again, and this time, no leaks!!!! I still didn't have the faucet mounted, so I just hung it over the side of the sink initially to flush out the system. After letting the water trickle out 15 minutes and flushing the tank twice (about 2 hours to fill each time), I was ready to drink. The water tasted pretty good. Time for bed. The next day - I wake up and go downstairs to check under the sink to see how the install is holding up. Yikes, now I have a small leak at the top of the reserve tank right beneath the black washer under the tank valve. I dry up the water and figure I may need to tighten the valve a little more. I do this, but an hour or so later the leak is back. So now it's time to call customer service with my 2 issues. I immediately get through to someone, and she mentions there is another part that they can send to make the faucet fit into my sink. Issue #1 solved! To figure out the second tank leak issue, I send a picture of it through email with my info. An hour or so later, I get a message that they are shipping the faucet adapter and a new part to resolve the tank leak. So far, they are totally living up to the high marks for customer service. A couple days later - The parts show up packed just as well as the initial system was. The mounting of the faucet goes very smooth now that I have the adapter. Nice! I also replace the tank parts with the ones they sent. Drain and re-fill the tank a couple times and give it some time. No more leaks!!!! A week later - No new leaks, great tasting water, nice looking faucet. I decided to pick up a water quality meter just to see what was going on with this system. Testing my water right out of the faucet results in a 335ppm reading. Wow, this is with my whole house water softener too. I wonder how much of this is salt? Then I measure the water from the iSpring RO filter... 13ppm! Wow, I'm impressed. That's basically like removing 96% of those. After removing a star for the faucet incompleteness and the tank leak, I added at least a star for the customer service and the performance of the unit. Almost two months later - Everything still functioning properly. Water from the tap, measured at 275ppm. From the filter: 9ppm. Still doing a nice job.
Isla-Grace Cullen | 5 out of 5 Stars!

GOOD WATER SYSTEM! WILL BUY AGAIN. Been very happy with it.
Elissa Bowman | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Happy with this system. But be prepared that drilling through granite is not as easy as drilling through wood, and it's going to take more time and patience.
BRANDI WEST | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have had this system installed in my kitchen for 2.5 years now and have had not a single problem with it. It replaced a Whirlpool UltraEase system I had previously purchased at Lowes. Both systems seem filter equally well. HOWEVER, the tank capacity and filter longevity of the iSpring are vastly superior. We frequently ran out of R/O water with the whirlpool, and the filters would require frequent replacement or else the flow would slow to a trickle. Not so with the iSpring! We are a family of 4 living in the Arizona desert, and the iSpring is well up to the task of supplying our drinking water. Recommended.