JUAN SANCHEZ | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Living in the country has its good and bad qualities... the water being one of the bad ones so I have to repllace the sediment filter twice as often as recommended. For me, buying in bulk is the way to go. And, for me, the iSpring system is not just a convenience, its a necessity for clear, clean drinking water.
Nathan Boerner | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The water system works great. Its nice to have water that doesnt smell or taste like something else. I thought the shipping was a bit slow. Tracking showed the item didnt get shipped until a full week after the order was made. The actual shipping only took a day and a half.
john byk | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Easy to install and consistency of water is so high that I would recommend this product.
Joseph Lorenz | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We bought this with our tax return. I do not regret it one bit. We are drinking clean, fresh, Aquafina tasting water. We told one of our friends about this water system and they bought one and love it as well. This might sound weird, but my husband, my kids, myself and my DOG drink more water now! I have no idea if we all prefer the taste more or what but we all drink more water after purchasing this. I really dont have a bad thing to say about it. We bought it at tax return season so I figure we can buy the replacement filters with our tax returns every year. Its worth it.
Mark Kasperek | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great filter.
Allen Tsygan | 5 out of 5 Stars!

First of all, the price for this product is excellent.
Steven Chun | 5 out of 5 Stars!

First, some b/g on my experience with high-purity water: Water quality is my thing, in every way imaginable. Im a registered professional engineer and serve as the Energy Manager for what I understand is the largest, most reliable, and most efficient combined heating/power installation in North , with roughly 140MW of combined capacity, operating upwards of 99.998% reliability over the past 40 years. For the millions of pounds of steam we create each hour, makeup water for this system is provided via many thousands of gallons of extremely clean (0.1ppm TDS) RO water each day. Previously, I designed hospitals and research laboratories, and worked in a manufacturing plant that made millions of IV bags each day, each bag filled with WFI - Water For Injection - the cleanest water standard on Earth. Lately, my philanthropic pursuits have centralized around Dean Kamen's efforts to provide his Slingshot water distillation machines to the billion people on this Earth who lack clean drinking water. Having recently moved to Austin, TX, joining the vibrant health movement here was inevitable. Yoga, organic greens, you name it... are also my thing. Not to mention, mom is a forensic toxicologist... All of which would ultimately lead me to clean drinking water, approaching what I drink from a health, engineering, and scientific/chemistry perspective. I knew, moving back into my Austin home, Id want a system capable of not only producing exceptional RO for drinking water, but would later provide a pure source for a whole-home humidifier, beer-making, bullet casing cleaning, clear ice cubes for mixology/classic cocktails, etc. TLDR - My career and life has revolved around all things water quality There are several RO systems available from the big box stores and large manufacturers, but after hours of reading, I ultimately I decided on the iSpring RCC7 unit. Its combination of features, price/value, maintenance intervals, product quality, and purported reliability made this choice an easy one, and I'm happy to say after six months of operation, nearly all my expectations have been met or exceeded. First, my unit showed up well-packaged, with clear instructions, and the included color-coded tubing made installation as easy as I could expect. The clear sediment filter housing is a nice touch, and I wish all filter housings were clear, although I suppose the only visible soiling will be in the sediment filter. All filter assemblies and tubing/connections came together in about an hour, and a few tank flushes later, my TDS meter was reporting a reduction from ~185ppm for the incoming City of Austin domestic water, down to 25ppm for the product water. 86.5% isn't quite the ~95-98% TDS reduction I'd hoped for via other reviewers and the manufacturer's claims, but then again, I've had ongoing low water pressure issues. More on that in a minute. The tank took about 90 minutes to fill completely, and was roughly 2 gallons to empty completely. This equates to approx. 35GPD for the system. The results? Incredible. The first thing I noticed was MUCH clearer ice cubes (with a bit of haze remaining from dissolved air). I'm not as sensitive to water taste, but it was immediately obvious the goodness being produced by this system is what I've been missing - almost a sweetness quality to the water without all the harsh chlorine and hardness. My long-time Austin resident and hippie buddy basically a real-life Matthew McConaughey from the movie and Confused commented immediately, hoa! Man... This is the best water I've ever tasted. And from knowing him over the years, he seems to have an exceptionally refined palette Success! I've since used the RO water religiously for cooking, rinsing vegetables, and in all things ice/drinks, and my two roommates did not require any prodding to follow suit they love it! The storied horrific increase in my water bill? Non-existent. But c'mon now, let's do the math. Say a family of four uses two gallons a day each from the system, and the rejection ratio is an 5:1, that's less than 1,500 gallons per month difference. More realistically, I only saw variance of a few hundred gallons for the months before and after installation despite having 3 users in my household. But wait, there's more! If you're really concerned about product quality, recharge rate, and rejection ratio, I highly recommend adding a permeate pump to the installation for approx $50. Doing so decreased tank fill times dramatically and reduced product water TDS to ~18ppm, an improvement to 91% reduction vs 86.5% previously. Also, theoretical water use should be reduced by 50-80%. Yes, the permeate pump does make an audible clicking noise, but it's hardly a nuisance and is completely masked when the refrigerator is running. Ironically, just a few days after installing the permeate pump, I was also able to locate the domestic cold water PRV (pressure reducing valve) I'd installed nearly a decade ago just after my city meter, and sure enough, it was factory-set at a low 40psig. Within minutes, I was able to upgrade my house plumbing to a shower-tastic 70psig. This further reduced the product tank fill time, but also dramatically improved the tank pressure such that the RO faucet fill rate nearly doubled. Where the refrigerator's cold water dispenser was merely a trickle before, it now is now completely usable. The only remaining unknown will be long-term reliability and maintenance. With the wide variance in system feed pressure, my added permeate pump, and tee fitting for my fridge's ice maker, I've more terminations and possible points of failure in my system than most, but even after six months, I've yet to see even a hint of a leak. Order and install an iSpring RO system. You won't regret it! (I purchased this product at full price in November of 2015. All opinions are my own.)
Minh Nguyen | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Dean Mewha | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very nice and works great.
Ye Chen | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I live in Los Angeles. Before installation my PPM was 350, after installation my PPM was 11! The reverse osmosis water I bought at the local store showed PPM 11. It works. Installation was straightforward.