Delvin Carson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Purchased this product in 2012 to remove contaminates from municipal water. Works well and set up is not hard, took me less than a hour. With regular filter change and preventative maintenance this unit is very good for the price and has continued to work over the years. I have changed out some small components and had to re-charge my tank to achieve proper water pressure. Replacement filters are relatively inexpensive and seem to always be in stock. I recommend buying some trace mineral drops to re-mineralize the final RO water product, just add a few drops to each gallon. Overall this is a great product for anyone who is stuck living with municipal water and wants to remove many of the contaminates it contains.
Dustin Cheek | 5 out of 5 Stars!

After several weeks of using my iSpring RCC7 system I'm beyond pleased. My wife and I agree our water taste as good or better than the bottled water we usually buy. Before purchasing the iSpring system I looked into my local water company and the price was 3 times what I paid for this unit before labor costs. If you are handy installation is pretty basic and easy. Key is to take your time and especially pay attention to installing the water lines and clips correctly. Having the on line installation video was a huge help in the process but you should also go through the supplied installation book as well. I assembled the entire unit (except the water faucet) outside of the sink area which gives you plenty of room to work along with testing for leaks before mounting under sink. Be aware the holding tank can take quite a while to fill and is normal. Also you will experience some cloudy water which is explained to be air bubbles that the system will flush out up to 2 weeks. With taking my time and triple checking everything I did the install in about 1.5 hours. I was very happy to see in the package extra line clips, connectors and even a roll of Teflon tape! Even though I didn't need to contact iSpring Nick from iSpring sent me a follow up email checking if I needed anything or had any questions. Now that's great customer service! I tested my water quality and all was excellent and will test once a month to see how long the filters will last. I also posted a dated note on my water tank in order to keep track of filter changes. Looking forward to many years of great tasting water from my iSpring water system!
Michael Wilson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I did a good amount of research into reverse osmosis filters and in the end took a chance on this one. I am so unbelievably pleased with my choice. The only downside is that now Im a water baby, I cant drink water anywhere else except for my house! Its just too good!
George Levens | 5 out of 5 Stars!

My water went from 400 ppm to 8 ppm. Enough said. Edit: still 8-12 ppm after 8 months of use. Just incredible. I bought this for my pregnant wife so that she could have the purest water, and it is still going strong. So happy with this. Ive officially become a water snob and can tolerate nothing less than this awesome RO water.
Etienne Bourgeois | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Ive had this system for quote a few years now. Its been great and I highly recommend it. Ive only had to do minor maintenance such as changing out the flow restrictor and the automatic shutoff valve aside from changing the filters out per the schedule. The RO membrane lasts for a few years, but the other filters need to be changed more often. The replacement filters arent too expensive and they are fairly easy to replace. Josh at iSpring has been very friendly and helpful as well.
Deanna Gray | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have had this model RO system since August 2013 and love it. Whenever I have had a question or concern about when to change filters or any needs the company has been outstanding with customer service. Thank you for no more hauling bottled water up 3 flights of stairs to my apartment for 3 years and excellent tasting water in my new home!
Brandon Reese | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We had an older 3 stage RO System and wanted to have great water for drinking. The iSpring 5-Stage System was easy to install (we added a permeate pump so we don't use as much water) and is giving us great water. The morning coffee is better than ever and our ice cubes are made from it too. We liked it so much we bought one for my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.
Adrian Espinoza | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very good product. I purchased my iSpring system in August of 2013. Worked flawlessly for 3 years. Had a few problems with it last fall though. Had to replace all the filters (expected, including RO filter), the flow restrictor and auto shut-off value. Figuring out what was wrong was the hardest part. Getting it all replaced and installed was a breeze. Since then, everything has been working splendidly. I recently helped install a new 5 stage iSpring system at work.. replacing a really old 3 stage RO system. Wow, have they improved things since I got my system. Manual is much improved, as are the adapter parts for hooking into existing plumbing. Highly recommend these RO systems. And yes, I even recommended them to my employer.
Wallingford Tobacco | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I initially started buying reverse osmosis water at the grocery store after the tap water I had at home kept killing all the fish in my aquarium. Then I started giving it to our cat that had chronic problems with serious urinary tract infections, including a hugely expensive surgery when his tract got blocked. He went from getting an infection every 2-3 months to having only 2 in the last 8 years of his life. All these changes on quality of water consumed. So Is tarted drinking RO water, too. I bought a cheaper system and ran it for a while and getting an Ispring was my upgrade to a real good quality setup. The setup is fairly easy if you have any sort of DIY background. The instructions are pretty clear and no specialty tools are needed. I ran into a little issue when I was installing the drain line but it was just that - a little issue. My drain pipe was too small for the included clamp so I used some plumbing strapping instead of one half of the clamp and took care of that in short order. You absolutely HAVE to use the 15 rounds of Teflon tape the instructions say to use for installing the valve on top of the pressure tank. I read that and ignored - Ive never needed that much tape on any connection before. I had a small leak of maybe a half ounce an hour and I had to redo that connection. Followed the instructions and perfecto! I like the way the unit was put together, the way it mounted up, the way it looks and the way it works. Im a very pleased customer.
Forrest Aleshire | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Called ispring customer support and got real person with no accent on the phone