Andrew Friend | 5 out of 5 Stars!

My wife was telling me about how expensive alkaline water is, but how good it is for you. I saw there was an option to add a stage to our new RO system and after reading the reviews, I bought this filter and the Add-on Filter Kit. I was planning to only get around .5 to .8 increase in the pH level, but that was not the case. I thought my results were too high, so I drained the tank and let it fill again and received the same results. A picture says a 1000 words. I am adding a pic showing 6.7 pH, which was my old GE Profile RO system product. Next,a pic that shows 7.05 pH, which is the iSpring RO system without the alkaline filter. And finally, the results of the system with the alkaline filter after the tank was drained and filled again. Once again I got a 10+ pH reading. The water tastes great. I will post new pH results after a month or two of using this filter.
Justin Ellis | 5 out of 5 Stars!

 Purchased this for my maintenance of my 6 stage unit from iSpring. Simple to replace filters. Wrenches are provided in original kit. Just shut off water and valve on tank, use wrench to loosen 1/4 turn then spin it off with hand. Remove old filter. I rinse out the cylinder before replacing the new filter and screw it back on. Easy. I drain the first and second tanks after filter change. Dont know if its necessary, but it doesnt take that long to fill that tank twice. Hope this helped.
Dennis McDermott | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Improves taste noticeably
David Stulken | 5 out of 5 Stars!

helps make great drinking water
MOHAMMADREZA GHASEMI | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Exactly as described. Took my RO water from PH of 5 to 7 (test kit accuracy?) so it must be doing something. I will recheck after several months to see how long it lasts. I have RO hooked to fridge that drips if cup doesnt stay under dispenser for 1 second after filling. This leaves a hardened water stain on catch tray. With tap water had stain. RO water, no stain. This filter installed, have stain. It takes the "dryness" out of the RO water.Definitely has a more "wet" smooth texture.
Shreekrishna Govindanayakanapalya | 5 out of 5 Stars!

worked well
Bo Dong | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I never really thought our tap water tasted all that bad, not good, but not bad either. I was wrong. When we installed the reverse osmosis system I noticed that the RO water tasted better than tap, but was sort of flat, dull. Curious, I began reading about RO water and learned that, because it is so pure, it lacks some of the minerals our bodies need. These minerals also improve the taste of water. I installed the iSpring FA15 10 inch inline 2 layer alkaline replacement mineral cartridge to replace these minerals in our filtered drinking water. Installation took less than ten minutes, required no tools, and was easy to complete.Wow, what a difference! My family loves the taste of our water now! The water now tastes great, almost sweet. My college age son quit drinking soda over the summer break. Not because he particularly wanted to quit drinking soda, just because he came to prefer the taste of our filtered water. Now that he is back in school, we shuttle jugs of water to him every time we visit him at school, and when he comes home. We began filling our dogs water bowls with the filtered water and they consistently drink more filtered water now that they did when they were drinking tap water. The only real downside is that it has made my family "water snobs" who may never enjoy a glass of ice water at a restaurant ever again.Very good product. I will order again.iSpring FA15 10-in inline 2-Layer Alkaline Replacement Filter Cartridge with Calcite & Mineral balls
James D'Amato | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great product, great price.
George Calhoun | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I couldnt figure out why drinking literally only RO water every day was making me have acid reflux and then I did some research and remembered that RO water is more acidic, so after buying this and continuing to drink water, I have had ZERO issues with acid reflux. I havent actually tested the water for any specs but the fact that I have solved my acidity problem is enough for me!My only issue with it is, there are NO instructions so I had to use some common sense and use the elbow connectors I got with the whole kit (previously) and plumbers tape to secure the connection and attach it to the final supply line and voila!
Graham Robbins | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great price very fast shipping I do recommendThank you for the great service.