Alex Doc | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The best system on the market. I've got two of them. One in the office and another at home. Moving to a new place lost couple of detail to reconnect in a new place. The service I've got from the company is unbelievably grate.I recommended this system to all my patients and everybody are extremely happy. You just have to change filters and enjoy water and the support of the company.
Bodysolid48 | 5 out of 5 Stars!

First installed almost 3 years ago. We have pretty good water up here in Northern NM, base line TDS was 176 ppm. The iSpring system reduced it to 7 ppm. We use this water for making coffee, to fill our humidifier and for all of our drinking and cooking water. Recently the stage 1 filter housing sprung a leak in the bottom. I called iSpring customer service and spoke with James. Five days later I received a brand new housing, at no cost, to replace the one that was leaking. I am absolutely thrilled with the great customer service. By the way in almost three years I have made two filter changes, but I am still on the original RO cartridge and my current TDS is still at a very respectable 10 ppm.

Jeremy L. Smelski | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I will never live again without one of these where I live, no matter what. Even if you have great water in your city/town, use one of these. It will remove anything that is in your water that meets standards but is still not ideal to drink and remove any chlorine taste, etc.In my town we have Algae flare ups in the lake and from time to time they warn not to drink the water during a bloom, but......of course they don't call me, knock on my door, etc. I have no idea when those times really are. Also, what about the pipes between your house and the water plant? Remember Flint Michigan? Or what about even in your walls if an older house, are they all copper? Are they all clean. Maybe not. Use one of these to alleviate all those concerns. That is what I do and it is AMAZING.I have the best tasting water of any water I know of. The TDS meter reads almost 0 most the the time. Great great product. AND top notch customer service. My faucet had a minor leak and they replaced it quickly and always answer the phone. Also, when I had a tank pressure issue, John was great, he helped me resolve it quickly and while explaining to me what was going on and when I reached back out Francis was also great. Buy with confidence and improve your water quality at a great price that easily beats the cost of bottled water which is just someone elses tap water most of the time anyways.
Oz | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I live in downtown Denver, where many of the houses were built in the late 1800s, and whether at that time or later, lead pipes were frequently used to run water lines. If you know anything about human exposure to lead, you know this is very, very bad news! And of course, lead is not the only bad news that can show up in our water thanks to an overburdened and rapidly aging water infrastructure, all across the US.For example, did you know that, in many US cities, water pipes and sewer pipes were laid down right next to each other at the same time? Each have their own date at which they need to be replaced, but in this day and age of cities starved for revenue, replacement gets postponed again and again and again. So, what happens when the two break down and contents get intermingled? Yeah, I don't wanna drink that either!All of this together means I put a high value on water filtration. I've done my research and recognize that different contaminants in our water (some of which are not even monitored or addressed by municipal water systems), which means a multi-filtration unit is needed.To be honest, when I went shopping, I felt like a lot of the high quality systems - like iSpring's - were very similar. I just happened to pick iSpring - and I was quite happy with the ease of installation, so yeah, felt good about my purchase.But it wasn't really until I ran into a problem down the road that I realized how lucky I'd been - the faucet started leaking, and I contacted iSpring and learned that it was out of warranty - but they sent me one for free anyway!I also had been replacing filters regularly, and when the latest order cae, it turns out they'd changed out the connector style for one of the filters, and I messed up the new one without realizing that they'd included the necessary hardware in the box. I contacted iSpring, and Nick got back to me with i a day - and helped me out - pointing me to this hardware I'd missed - AND shipping me a new filter without charge to replace the one I'd damaged.Dude, these folks really stand behind their product. So yeah, it's one thing to find a quality product - but IMO it's just as important (and far more rare!!) that the company selling that product offer this kind of quick and effective support for it.
RestlessinPhoenix | 5 out of 5 Stars!

In our previous house, I had purchase a point of use RO system for drinking water and for a saltwater fish tank.When we bought our new house a few years ago, I knew I had to have RO for drinking water (well water).This system was very easy to install.A solid mounting coated mounting bracket is included. I mounted in the basement just for convenience and ease of access vs under the kitchen sink. I tied into the refrigerator line for ice and water at the refrigerator.Recently, I was having a constant drainage issue and I reached out to customer service on their website. Francis was incredibly helpful answering within 24 hours. With their guidance we narrowed down (after watching a few videos and replacing a few items) that it was simply the air pressure in the pressure tank was too low ( I brought it up to 8psi empty).Now I'm back up and running.Our well/tap water doesn't taste great...but from RO tastes better than any bottled water I've tried. Plus, we use containers for sports and home use so we are not wasting plastic bottles that don't always make it to recycling ( we learned our county had been lying and not actually recycling glass and plastic).Very happy with the system and their customer service.I would like to figure out how to recycle waste water instead of pouring down drains but I have yet to come up with a system/holding tank.
Milagrowl | 4 out of 5 Stars!

This unit was fairly easy to assemble, albeit the diagrams in the instructions appear to represent several different models so play close attention to the attachments. The clamps and fittings are standard for units like this so if you are not having luck, it's probably you, not equipment. I have assembled 1/4 piping before so I know it can be fussy at times. The pressure tank comes a little over pressurized. I had to let some air out of the air valve to get it around 10 PSI for constant water flow. With too much pressure, it would run out of water after a couple large cups of water. The water tastes great and tested well below acceptable level with a TDS meter. I have had ours for 2 years and replaced the stage 1,2, and 3 filters once and it is still filtering nicely with good flow. Changing the filters is very easy. This unit exceeded my my expectations for performance at really good price.
LaxWater | 4 out of 5 Stars!

I've only had the 5 filter RO system in for a day, but am happy so far. Just a couple tips on install. When doing first system bleed make sure the membrane is disconnected and bleed the 3 prefilters separately into a bucket (or sink if accessible). There is a lot of loose material in the pre-filters. Also, after initial bleed, and during full system bleed, make sure the tank is shut off to prevent sediment from entering that. 2 crucial steps in the initial setup. A pic of my undersink setup with holding tank behind pre-filters.

MikeH | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I don't know where to start. From the moment I opened the box I could tell this is a quality product. Everything was packed in good strong boxes. Everything was packaged neatly in plastic bags. The instructions were written in english by someone who's first language was english! Everything was so very clear in the instructions and I could have installed it if it were the very first DIY project I ever did. It even referenced a YouTube video that I could view to assist in the installation, which was very helpful. The guy in the video had the hairiest arms I've ever seen, but he was very informative! They went so far to include the tool to tighten the cartridges, and even included a little package of selected spare parts! Who does that!! If I had to find something on the negative side, it would be that they did not include a small amount of teflon tape that is needed during installation. I think this is one of the best products I've ever bought. I'm not kidding. This company has gone the extra mile to assure that you will get years and years of good, clean RO water. I'm so glad I made this purchase. THANK YOU iSpring!

RetiredCPD | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I installed the water filtration system last night, setup and purged the filters as instructed this morning and what difference a day makes. Yesterday before I started the install I took a reading with my TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter and got a response of 658 PPM, today I took a reading from the RO faucet of 24 PPM. WOW, I had no idea my water was that hard. The water taste in incredible, crisp and clean. The installation took about an hour and 15 minutes and went as smooth as glass following the installation instructions. The manual is very well written and easy to follow. It has great illustrations and support info. This system meets and even exceeds my expectations. Great product with a very reasonable price. I went through extensive evaluation of several products and manufactures before settling on this product and I am very happy with my choice.

bjbaker | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I purchased this RO system in December 2016 as a Christmas gift for my family members and future children. We live in a very rural area and our well water is very hard and rusty. Clean water was a need, so $200 seemed like a great deal. For the past four years, this system has produced great tasting, quality, clean drinking water. We replace the filters every 6 months (1-3) and every year (4-5 RO membrane). Aside from cleaning the filter housings annually, the maintenance is virtually nothing. Installation was simple enough as I recall. We couldn’t be happier with this system and have been very pleased with its performance.