Vernon L. Jenewein | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Received in a very great fashion and well packaged! Was going to have a plumber/handyman come by to install it, but I decided to help by putting this and that together and next thing you know, I had it mounted under the sink with the water on. I'm no plumber and I got it done following their easy directions. Josh contacted me to make sure everything was well, and I mentioned about the sink faucet opening (flowing) in the lever in the side position and off in the upright position, and they sent me a new faucet. Very nice of them. I can't tell you how much we enjoy the water. For cooking, for Soda Stream and for my home Beer brewing. You simply cannot beat R.O. water when it comes to making your own home brew. This brings the TDS down to a very low level and allows you to "season" the water as you wish for the style you are targeting. Really, I've made 2 batches of beer from our water that I would NEVER consider for using in beer making due to the high level of sulfur and iron content (SW Michigan) and this makes water taste great again!! It keeps up well with our demands of water. We used the unit with the combined pump as our water pressure on the farm here is pretty low (about 30 psi) and this alleviates the low pressure. You are forcing water though such a tiny membrane that you better have some good pressure. So, if it is low, THIS is the unit for you, all self contained and easy to plug in. Their Tech Support is outstanding. Nick went the extra mile to make me feel like a special customer when I had a question about the changing of the 3 filters. Here is a company you can get in touch with and respond in a very quick fashion. Thanks Nick!!
Km | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Just got this system installed yesterday after about 30 minutes following the we'll documented instruction manual. Takes a while before you can use it due to the need to flush the system, but overall it was pretty painless to DIY. So far I'm pretty satisfied with the purchase. Initial impressions of the water are that it tastes great. I don't have a hardness or TDS meter to determine how effective it is on our municipal water. We have roughly 250-350mg/l TDS in our supply, so hopefully it's helping. The permeate pump is very quiet, however it does create some vibration that could be noisy if it echoes in a cabinet just right. Some foam dampers could be helpful if you attach it to a cabinet wall with the included screws. It comes with a bonus little battery powered moisture/leak alarm, though it's not wired into the filter itself so you have to be around to hear it. The manufacturer will also send you up to a free year supply of filters if you provide feedback to them via email, and the CS/sales rep, Josh, will also include a TDS meter as a nice bonus for leaving an Amazon review.

Brennon | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The setup was a breeze and my water and ice now taste great. The tank fills quickly and the faucet looks very nice aesthetic and is obviously of great quality. Support was great and I’d of course rather that I didn’t have to have contacted them but after I installed mine it made a strange noise like an air compressor pulsing bursts of air type sound. I knew that couldn’t have been right and I contacted support. They took care of me in a timely manner and sent an new head unit to make the change a breeze for me. I don’t think this is an indication of the quality of the product as it seems really well built and I’m sure it was just a fluke sometimes things happen. Especially after reading all positive reviews here. I found that support is responsive and they stand behind their product which is important. My new unit is perfect and I’d definitely recommend this set up to anyone. My only regret is not having done it sooner. If I was to be critical of any one piece of the whole component it was the drain saddle. Everything else on the install is installed to the tubing with these great quick connects. The drain saddle had a different type of connection that I had difficulty getting the tubing to lock in and it be able to be tugged out. This could have been user error but I solved that by buying a 5 dollar drain saddle I found here on amazon that had a tubing quick connect. I wish they had included one like that with the product but not enough of an annoyance to detract from a five star review.

Kyle | 5 out of 5 Stars!

My family received this iSpring RCC7P 5-Stage RO system this Christmas as a gift. Installed it shortly after and this system has performed flawlessly. The installation was easy and the directions are clear and easy to follow. Had it hooked up and running clean water in less than an hour. Absolutely no leaks found from any of the connections. The booster pump is a great addition and a must with the pressure we get off our well. We have already purchased the additional ice maker kit to allow us to hook up the RO system to our fridge. It just arrived yesterday and will be hooked up shortly. At this point I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a new RO system. Time will tell how it holds up and I will follow up with another review.

Jim L | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We have well water with a softener and have been buying bottled water to drink for years. Finally decided to install an RO system to use for drinking water and ice. I always try to research any product I’m not sure about before I purchase and install so hopefully I only have to do it once. After reading reviews and a couple of YouTube videos I decided to get the iSpring system with the booster pump. The booster pump seemed to be a good option with a well due to varying pressure. The system says it can be installed under the sink which I’m sure it can but since we have a basement I decided to put it below the sink in our utility room. By putting the system in the basement I also decided to add an Aquatec delivery pump to ensure a more consistent pressure to the faucet and ice maker. The lack of good pressure seemed to be a common complaint on many of the RO systems I considered. So far so good on both the RO system and the added demand pump. The water tastes good and the pressure is consistent to the ice maker and faucet. With the booster pump on the iSpring RO system it filled the pressure tank in less than an hour. The booster pump does not make much noise but the additional demand pump is noisy so I’m glad I could put it in the basement as it runs whenever you use the faucet.

Doggonemad 12 | 4 out of 5 Stars!

FINALLY!!.. After purchasing 2 other defective faucets, it looks like I have one that's NOT going to leak. Also this one feels like it's made better, just in the way the lever, (handle) is turned off and on!.. I've been back in fourth buying and returning faucets back to AMAZON for the last two weeks! Thankfully no problems with receiving credit for the ones I returned!..For anyone considering a purchase on purification faucet make sure you do your homework before u buy. CHECK THOSE REVIEWS!!..I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND STAYING AWAY FROM RETURNED ITEMS THAT ARE BEING SOLD AS OPEN BOX OR LIKE NEW OR VERY GOOD. TO ME YOUR JUST TAKING CHANCES. SPEND THE FEW EXTRA DOLLARS AND YOU SHOULD BE BETTER OFF!.. Happy shopping everyone
Paul | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I'm very impressed with what I received for my money. This system was a great deal and it arrived very well packaged. I like how they didn't cheap out and provided spanner wrenches to help open and tighten the filter housings. They also provided several spare O-rings and other misc parts that help adapt the system for an under-sink installation. The system itself is outstanding. It comes with an onboard pump and a 100 GPD RO membrane. I spent some additional money and purchased a separate, larger 6 gallon tank to go with my system - an outstanding upgrade that, when coupled with the 100 GPD membrane gives me outstanding pressure all day long without any sags - which is a big deal because we have 8 people living in out household. High fives for iSpring for bringing such a quality system to the marketplace at an outstanding price. (When you consider the cost of a 100 GPD RO system AND a booster pump, the price is almost a steal.)
Jason | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I couldn't be more happy with this RO water filtration system. It was extremely easy to install and I even went the extra step of putting it on the wall in our laundry room under the kitchen. The fittings took a little practice, but once I knew what they were supposed to do, I was able to get them all installed water tight. More importantly than how it installs is how it operates. The water is deliciously plain, as desired. I never had my water tested, but the inside of the tea kettle speaks volumes. I killed a $100 tea kettle from all the scale in the old water. With this system installed I have not had to clean gunk out of the tea kettle in the past 5 months of use, and thats hard use 2 to 4 times a day. Its crystal clear inside (see picture, those scale filters don't have anything to do!). I'm kind of mad at myself for taking so long to finally get this. It was so easy and turned out so well. I don't know what I was waiting for.

Gholmes | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Installed it yesterday afternoon with little stress and worry. It ran perfectly from the get go and the water is clear, fresh and tasteless. We have very hard water that goes through a water conditioner and for years we have not sipped the water fresh from the faucet because it was too salty. Now, it is perfect. It makes clear ice tea and coffee is full of flavor (in the past tea was murky and foamy while the coffee was bland). I would recommend this unit to anyone. We chose it because it had the additional pump to increase the water pressure since ours is generally low and it needs to be above 30 psi. It was installed in the basement beneath the kitchen sink. This way we have a lot more room under the sink otherwise it would take up a lot of space. Regardless it was really easy to install and the only thing that we needed to buy was about 15 ft of tubing from ACE (you can see the clear tubing on the left of the picture.) We are really pleased with this system and wish we got it years ago. Next, on to installing an ice machine at some point. Loving the system!!!

Eduard | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Since using the system no need to buy water bottles anymore, water has great and high quality taste. So satisfied with the iSpring Water System, great high quality product, believe me without the system water taste awful, using the system change my life, thanks again for great high quality product. I already recommended some of my families and friend to use this great system. Customer support is great, thanks to Richard from customer support of iSpring Water Systems, he contacted me and check out if everything was working normal, never seen customer support contacting me for that, thanks for a great product.