Bernard Arant | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Excellent water
Tom Shortland | 5 out of 5 Stars!

When I ordered this product I was amazed at one comes in the box!This is a two year supply of filters!You read that right.Every filter you need, for two years running your reverse iSpring 75GPD 5-Stage osmosis system.If your like me, when considering you may need this, you dont need every filter as your probably in need of just two filters.Trust me, for the money this is a steal!My water is full of everything you can imagine and this system made it perfect!I just hope they are still this affordable in two more years.
Michael Jacobson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Isprings customer service is 5 stars along with their products, i have never had an issue they could not resolve, called them to make sure i ordered the correct filter pack for my RO/DI system and they made sure i had everything i needed, i am good to go for 2 years now!
Andrew Gray | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great product for an outstanding price:)
Fred Olson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have owned 3 of these systems over the years and they work good and are the cheapest per gallon you can find (new ones because I moved 3 times). The Ispring folks are great on customer service too. I have sold probably 3 of my friends on them as well. I will be buying another after I sell this home.
Ayaz Daya | 5 out of 5 Stars!

fast ship, RO works OK
Eric Dissinger | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Anthony Russo | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great tasting water! Had a plumber install it since my husband and I are mechanically challenged!
jonathan grimm | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Easy to install, I have the 5 stage filter, no issues and after the very first full tank of water is discarded after the install, water is crystal clear again. The first time you turn on the water supply with the new filters, it will come out dark, but it clears up pretty fast.
KEVIN STUART | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I read the description wrong when I bought this, I was focusing just on making sure these were the right filters for my model iSpring device. I thought the Reverse Osmosis filter was what was adding to the cost, but when it arrived I discovered I was getting a 2 year supply. I even double checked the order!On top of that, iSpring contacted me to see if I was happy with the order and if I had any questions. Its not often a vendor gives enough of a darn to ask such questions. Ive been very happy with the iSpring water filter so far, had mine for a year now. Water tastes great and it makes for near crystal clear ice cubes. Im moving soon, and Im taking it with me! Theres no way Im leaving this behind.