John Wong | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This system is working great. Just what I was looking for to remove iron and manganese.
Steven Oglesby | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have only showered with this not drank from it(I have a ro unit).. so far so good. The brownish rings were gone.
Tom Crawford | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We got this whole house filter system to help with the taste and smell of the well water we have in a new house. We were getting a sulfer odor coming from our toilets. Especially strong in the bathroom we used infrequently. After some research, we thought the issue was iron in the water. After installing this filter, the odor was immediately eliminated. It's been 2 months now and the system is still working great. Thanks for such a great product, iSpring!
Karolyn Miner | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This whole house filter system works wonderful. With my old system I was changing the filter literally every month. With this new system from iSpring, Its been over 3 months and still no trace of iron and manganese smell. Amazing!
Dave Roberts | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Family is drinking MUCH more water! I am sure there are better whole house systems but for us this works.
Daniel Standage | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We ordered this system to clean the well water coming into our house as we had a strong sulfur smell and yellow discoloration due to iron. Happy with the purchase.
0 0 | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We are on well water, and the water tastes the best it has in years. It arrived quickly and came with very good instructions for installation. We watched the video before setting up the system.
Chengliang Fan | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This system has been installed and running for nearly 2 months now. My tub, which had a constant shade of orange, is still white. Very impressive!
Frank Rossini | 5 out of 5 Stars!

A wonderful system at reasonable cost. No more red rings in toilet bowl. Make sure not to over tighten the housing when you install it or you may have difficulaty re-opening it like what I just did. I had to use hummer and wood stick to tab the housing side edges to loosen it. Also observe the direction when putting it into the housing as this cartrige has different ends.
Lee Dogoloff | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I would highly recommend this filter system, especially for anyone with well water. You wouldn't believe how amazingly well this filter worked! It provided much cleaner water than I could ever imagine! Very satisfied with this purchase!