ken depenhart | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very nice kit, good quality at a reasonable price, Not a fan of plastic water lines so I piped it with all copper, but all the fittings and connectors were supplied. We added the necessary fittings and shut-off valves to connect the ice maker in parallel to the faucet. Very satisfied.
Leonard Hamm | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We have had this unit installed for roughly 1 year now and are very pleased with it. We were spending about $30-40 a month on bottled water, so this unit has already paid itself off. Installation was very easy for anybody with basic mechanical skills and tools. I read the directions, set out everything I needed ahead of time and I was able to install it under our kitchen sink during my kids nap time, roughly 90min. The instructions were easy to understand and everything was color coded for simplicity. You will need a hole for the faucet install, however I installed the facet in place of a soap dispenser we were not using. About 6 months after install, I split the output (with parts i bought at the local big box store) to supply filtered water to our ice maker in the freezer. Now we have clean ice too. I believe ispring sells a kit to split the output to your icemaker if you dont want to find the parts yourself. As for water quality, our water was mediocre to begin with. TDS was 262 straight out of the tap and had a slight off taste to it. Through the filter were were getting 14 TDS immediately after install. One year later with the original filters, we are still at 26 TDS. Probably time to change the filters I guess, however the water still tastes as good as day 1. As a side note, we use this to fill our two 5gal jugs that we then mount on our water cooler/heater. It takes a while to fill the 5gal jugs since I drain the filter tank once and then have to let it fully recharge and drain it again. When I want hot or cold water, I take it from the cooler, however most of the time I just drink it room temp from supplied faucet to avoid having to excessively refill our jugs. If you have water supply from your fridge door (we do not) I see no reason why you couldnt connect this directly to that.
Joanne Giarrusso | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Over the years I have bought and installed several versions of this filter from ispring. It seems like with every iteration, the components are improved or new items are added. The last one I bought for my sister-in-law, included a free leak alarm and a very nice faucet. The reason I keep going back to iSpring is the quality of the water. Every RO system wastes some water, but iSprings ratio is great at 1:2 . The filters and ro membrane work very well. I periodically test my water with a small TDS meter and change filters when necessary. Installation is very simple and color coded water lines make it very easy. They give you everything you need to install the system. They even give you some teflon tape to seal the pipes. The only issue I have ran into have been loss of pressure in the tank. Its a simple fix, but my very first RO system (Genesis and not iSpring) never needed this adjustment. Filter replacement is not as easy as some of the twist on systems, but then again the replacement filters for iSprings are much cheaper.
Cameron Swanson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Thanks for the great documentation and design that made me install the filter myself even I have never done this before. Great customer care team, like a family . It has been working like a clock since first day without any issues or problems or leaks. purchased and installed in June 2017, its now October 2017 and I am very happy with the product. I believe the best review would be a story:I got a PH testing kit and discovered that the RO bottled water that I have been drinking for more than 5 years and buying from local grocery store is of PH less than 7 and its almost the pure RO water no more. At times it caused me burn feeling in my stomach if I drink it before breakfast, its acidic. I wanted to get a rocky natural spring like water, alkaline and after many online searches I found iSpring is the best choice: quality, Price, Technology, Support, Discounts, History, Reviews ..etc. most contributing factor in buying this specific model was that it was on sale and the price combined with that according to reviews it does not leak made the offer irresistible. The ordering was very simple and great experience with very friendly customer care: *** I was given at the time: free shipping to Canada, taxes paid by iSpring, on the top of the discount *** I checked the dimension of the product and found it should fit under my sink.I liked about the iSpring website the important specification data about the filter like dimensions, operating conditions, and so on, which helped me tell if it works for me without any doubts at all. paying $3 for 18 liter bottle and a single like me consumes one per week its $144 per year, in addition the burden to carry water bottles all the way every time. the cost of replacing filters is much less than that and I would have fresh sanitized water right at the faucet.The item arrived and the difficult part was to customize the installation to my specific Kitchen, I had to make some plumping but that could have been for any filter so not iSprings mistake. I decided to use my own valve so I bought a $7 metal(brass) valve and put it at the water entry as first level of protection, then followed by the iSpring plastic cased valve, I have twisted the valve and over tighten it and felt it might have become loose it will leak however a hardware store told me its unlikely it will leak and that was true. I had the brass valve in case the iSpring valve will leak but it did not so I now have two valves on same line. I still prefer to shut down the brass valve not the plastic valve as I live in apartment and I DO SHUT DOWN THE VALVE EVERY TIME I LEAVE THE HOUSE AT ALL TIMES (1- shut valve, 2- turn off water tank, 3- unplug power) (when I return home, first thing I do is 1- open water line valve, 2- open tank valve, 3- put power back ). While the water leak alarms are excellent, I cannot withstand the leak to start when no one at home. the brass valve feels to be a good for that purpose of very heave use. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT iSpring MAKES A HIGH LEAK PAN/CAN (AS HIGH AS FILTER CARTRIDGE) THAT CAN CATCH WATER AND HAVE A DRAIN TO SEWER - JUST LIKE SINK- SO IN CASE OF LEAK WATER WILL GO DOWN THE SINK NOT ON FLOOR - iSpring FIGURE IT OUT HOW *** HAVE YOU SEEN A FAUCET PUT NOT OVER A SINK EXCEPT IN GARDEN FOR BUCKET FILLING? WITH MY WATER LINE ON THE FLOOR OF KITCHEN IN APARTMENT I WANT ALL THAT DIRECTED TO A PAN SINK THAT GOES THE SEWER, iSpring FIGURE OUT THE GRAVITY*** I COULD PUT MY FILTER ON A SHELF OR LIKE A CEILING FAN THAN ON FLOOR IF LEAK WATER CAN BE CONTAINED.I have seen the leak by myself when I did not follow the pipe cutting and marking hint (make sure to buy a sharpie and pex/pvc pipe cutting tool). I attempted as a try to use an un-properly cut and scratched pipe tip and I see it leaked. I was very happy to see all that gone when I used a sharpie and PEX pipe cutter, I had never had a single leak so far since I finished the first installation. I had pulled every pipe in the filter and ensured the tip is properly marked and inserted and free of any scratches, it came clean without issues, thanks main goal was to have a filter that does not leak and it seems I have lets talk about water quality and device quality and features:superb, being the first filter I have I am really amazed by the quality of the device. it fills the water tank in about 15 or 20 minutes as I have a booster pump (my inline water pressure is about 40 Psi) and its design like a Swiss watch, I like it, its a quality.I tested the PH of the filter water and found it just above or just PH7 but not less than PH7 (used color testing not digital), I was wishing for PH8 however PH7 seems a healthy choice and I can drink the water any time without any bad feelings.I use the filter water to wash rinse my eyeglasses, microscope slide and lenses and objectives and telescope eyepieces. the water is so clear its excellent for cleaning optics. the tap water would have lots of water is around 250 TDS, iSpring output is about 35 TDSI stock piled supplies and I purchased a one year supply of filters, UV lamp, . I do not expect will change them at the six month mark, I use very little water so I expect this filter is a fortune.a criticism:there is no mentioning of what kind of plastic the system is made of. water is contained in plastic and touching rubber in tank everywhere! its known that plastic components may cause cancer because they do not get out of human body as they have no natural digestion process but I do not see on the website if the plastic and rubber are BPA free or not, I expect they are as this is certified to use in the USA but would have been nice if:1- list the type of plastic and the link to FDA website that its good, who knows if research comes later as not good?2- provide metal only (like aluminum heavy metal lead free) option , which could be more expensive however I personally prefer to avoid plastic at all costs. with very pure water, anything can dissolve in it; while heavy metals can’t leave the human body and cause cancers, plastic would cause it too. choosing a light atom metal like Aluminum is healthier as aluminum is stored by the human body bones so if tiny metal get dissolved in the water it wont hurt as could plastic does.3- list the material the RO filter are made ofWe buy the filter from iSpring not FDA so even if FDA are fine we need to know because we do not work or know the FDA things all over the world.because of all of the above, I found the alkaline filter is a must because it contains healthy rocky elements that hopefully would trap any unwanted substances and most importantly achieve the PH level I wanted.Happy because:* did not leak* good water PH* good TDS* tastes good (or does not taste at all)* pure water with minerals , sterilized, fresh and at the faucet for all the water I want* price is lower than water bottles* parts are available* water plants -very good for health of soil for exotic flowers as it contain neutral elements, clean optics , drink, cook, planning for aquarium and an Octopus pet!
Alexander Whiteraft | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Awesome for filtering out fluoride. Water taste great, light and clear. We hired someone to install it since we didnt have a predrilled hole on the counter for the faucet. It took less than an hour. Faucet design is beautiful. Easy to use. Great price. Very satisfied!
David Valencia | 5 out of 5 Stars!

love it
Keith Godshall | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Julie Finley | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great tasting water. Great buy, no regrets. Easy enough to hook up,I had to hook it up to a bad plumbing job with a previous soft water hook up. A few of the supplied pieces were a bit different looking than the manual, but Im good at fixing things around the house from plumbing to electrical, I could see a newbie having a harder time. Oh! And I love the included faucet, matches my brushed nickel modern sink faucet perfectly
Harry Tuttle | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I bought the iSPring System a couple of months back. It works great and my water TDS went from being 278 to being 24. It was pretty easy to install only took about 30 minutes. besides the quality water, the other reason i chose this system over the competition is becuase of the modern look of the faucet, it matched our kitchen faucet.
Brad Richards | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We were redoing our kitchen and I did not want to take up room under the kitchen sink, so I installed it in a convenient space in the garage. Mounted the filters on the wall for easy access. I like the clear see through filter to check what the filter is doing. It was a easy straight forward install. Mostly I followed the colored illustration and didnt have to read much. Also my contractor suggested I add my old tank with the new tank. I threw my old RO filter out because the volume of water produced was so very slow. I spliced into the main water supply using shark-bite push to connect couplers and connectors. Very easy to do. The rest of the connections were push to connect supplied with the new iSpring RO and was very easy to do, just follow the direction on these connections to produce leak proof system. The contractor ran pex pipe from the filter to faucet for drinking and coffee and also the the fridge ice maker. I ran a couple of gallons of water to flush out the system and I was very pleased with the volume. The volume didnt seem to diminish after the couple of gallons and at a faster rate. The TDS (total dissolved salts) went from ~270 to ~30. The iSpring RO was very reasonably priced and also the replacement filter schedule and price is very reasonable. So over all iSpring RO meets my expectations and gets my 5 stars