Rick Lupo | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Absolutely excellent product. Replaced a 12 year old 3M RO system (because the filters were $165 vs. $35-$50 depending on number of stages for the iSpring unit). The key is to install it CORRECTLY. Follow plumbing best practices or hire a plumber to install to prevent leaks on startup. I left the rubber washer on the tank off stop the only leak we got when we started the system. Also, follow the first start instructions. Some reviews complain of odor in the water at first. This is why you flush stages 1-3 during initial startup, and you wont have this issue. This is normal on any RO system with new filters. Use case is for whole home (fridge and kitchen tap), and works excellent.
vanessa rea | 4 out of 5 Stars!

The setup does take quite some time, be prepared for leaks at the beginning. Make sure you have enough room underneath the sink, this product has a lot of pieces that need to be connected to one another, drill holes in your existing pipes.
Doug Schetzel | 5 out of 5 Stars!

After a ton of research, we chose this system for two reasons, price and overall reviews. The unit shipped super fast, and my husband was able to install it without any problem. We had already purchased the faucet but ended up using the one in the box because it matched better and seemed like a higher quality. We love this system and are so happy with this purchase. We recommended it to family recently, and they are purchasing the same unit. We definitely recommend getting this!
Jim Keenan | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have had this for a little over a month now, I runs from my garage where my old kinetico system was. Install was easy to replace with the kinetico RO unit. and it was 1/6 the cost of what I paid for the kinetico. the cost to replace seems on par as well with kinetico. I have a well in my home and the water taste great and with the pump built on, the stream of water seems great as well. I would highly recommend this unit.
fengchen bai | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Excellent RO system. So much better than the one it replaced. We've been using it for 6 months now and it works fantastic. I love the faucet since it remains in an an open position so I can easily fill glasses, backpacks, and l large containers. It looks great too! The water flow rate is excellent as well. It initially had a funny taste but after breaking it in after about a week the water tastes great. Seems well built and I like the fact that its made in the US. I contacted customer service when I first got it and they were very responsive and helpful.
John arana | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very easy to install. Very clear directions. I have used RO units before. This is an excellent value for what you get. The booster pump makes water incredibly fast. The auto flush, the auto shut off, and flow sensors that turn booster pump and UV sterilizer on/off are *so worth he extra cash*. Water in is 235 TDS and water out is 7 TDS when by-passing the coconut and alaklizing post filters. Thats very good performance.To the people who said this leaked. I already know what you did wrong. When installing the gaskets, which is very easy, you need to make sure that you put them in the correct place. If you dont follow the very easy instructions, you will pinch the gaskets and cause them to leak. Thats completely ***operator error*** and your fault. The unit does come with extras if you mess up.This unit operates flawlessly.
Bobby Richardson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This works very well although I would suggest using a larger tank unless this is under your sink. The tank thats supplied works well, but only seems to hold about a gallon. We found that we were running out of water on some days. I bought a 20 gallon pressure tank which holds somewhere between 5-10 gallons and couldn't be happier. Now, I can fill up a 5 gallon container for the baseball team and even still have enough left for my family to use. The water before the filter smells of rotten eggs pretty bad to where my wife refused to drink the water. The water from this is better than bottled water. My wife says bottled water tastes dirty compared to the water from this. Ill take that as a win!
Ray Levesque | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The quality of this filter was amazing and they even provided an electronic water leak alarm. I have experience with filters like this and this one was impressive in many ways.
Atul Rai | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Awesome Product and even better Customer Service
Mike Kinyon | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Great. Installed system in under an hour. Quality is 8 out of 10, the fittings are plastic and easily over tightened or cross threaded. As luck would have it I didn't strip anything or cross thread it, despite a few close calls. Teflon tape is your friend. Plenary of tubing for install and instructions are simple and all things color coded. Dont have to be Bob Viela or McGuyver to get it done or have a truck load of tools. Did have issue tightening the nut to secure tubing to included faucet and while tightening the faucet to the sink the tubing slipped out and made a pretty good mess. Hindsight says cut tubing to outlet faucet 12" too long and use slack to connect tubing above sink before securing faucet to sink. Just dont forget to put hardware over tubing first before connecting to faucet. Stainless steel fittings would garner 5 stars