Tegeras | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This is my second iSpring R.O. system and it will definitely be my last. I recommended this system to my brother and installed it for him. The system he was replacing was able to get the TDS down to 23ppm but due to lack of filters for it he opted for a upgrade. His tap water had a TDS of around 700ppm. Now from the beginning we were unable to get his TDS below 50ppm. We filled and drained the tank at least 10 times and the number remained around 65ppm. Over the next week his TDS actually climbed back up to around 100ppm. This is when I contacted iSpring customer service. I explained to them how something was not right and asked what I could do to troubleshoot the system. Instead of getting help they pretty much told me that their system was working as intended. Their system reduces TDS by 90% so 10% of 700ppm is 70ppm i was told. So I explained then why was an older system able to reduce the exact same water to 23ppm? Not only that I have their exact same system on my house (RCC7) and the TDS is usually under 20ppm. Instead of answering my question or suggesting a fix or troubleshooting path they closed out my support ticket.Anyway I am sure I will figure out the problem eventually. What irks me is the very people that are supposed to be there for you when you have a problem try to sell you the "working as intended" excuse when obviously it is not.*Update*Customer service reached out to me again and resolved the issue. Less than optimal water pressure and a defective membrane were the culprits.
CASMAN71 | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Had considered a lot of other products before choosing this company and model, also the gold seal helped. Easy enough set up. Wish it came with longer tubing for more mounting options. Initial activation good be better thought out, clearing the charcoal filter is a bit of hassle. After having this functional for some weeks now it has developed some brief cavitation - only issue that I have. Great price, clean water, able to expand for greater filtering when needed, cheap replacement filters. Excellent.
RCC7AK | 5 out of 5 Stars!

It took me some time to decide to switch to a reverse osmosis filter system because they usually are expensive, bulky and very complicated to install, until I found this the iSpring reverse osmosis water filter system. I checked several RO filter systems before and then finally I choose the iSpring Reverse Osmosis water filter because its slender, ease to install, and very reasonably priced. The Instructions are well written with clear pictures, like the tagged and color-coded filters and tubing, therefore the full system is easy to install and get it running with a few hours’ time, and I really like the fancy looking brushed nickel faucet included. By installing this by myself I realized that this system is very well made with quality items and good workmanship. They also include extra items like valves, O-rings, wrench, tubing, and the water detection alarm. Honestly, I do not understand how they can sell a such great RO water filter system like this for their exceptional price. Also this RO system runs smoothly, the water is crystal clear, and it tastes deliciously fresh! My only regret is that I did not switch to this system sooner enough but now I’m happy enough to start recommending this iSpring Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System to all my family and friends. For a great customer service, I advise you to contact Nick at cs1@ispringfilter.com or (678) 261-7611 with the iSpring Water Systems at www.123filter.com

Nicole Davis | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Their customer service is top notch. I had an issie with a part and they responded and went above and beyond to resolve the issue.

Cbeav | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Install the system with the modification of adding a deionization filter. We have pfos and pfas in our water supply from Gen X and after much research determine this was the best solution. Ispring was very helpful in making this modification. The Deionization filter was purchased from another source.

Alexis P. Neely | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Purchased two of these and installed one at our main house in metro Atlanta and second one at a remote cabin in the North Ga mountains. Easy to follow instructions. First one at the cabin was installed in 2016. Both work flawlessly and filters are easy to source from iSpring directly or Amazon. I get our water checked annually and the system has never had an issue.

JamKay | 5 out of 5 Stars!

When my wife and I moved to Tucson from Taiwan, as strangers here we decided to rent for two years while we became acquainted with our new location. Reverse Osmosis water systems are made available to the public in Taiwan and are found in many places around Taipei. Hospitals allow anyone to walk in off the street and fill their drinking bottles. We decided we wanted an under-sink unit, chose iSpring and bought it at Home-Depot. Our first surprise was finding that the apartment owner kept the water pressure abnormally low to save water. It was too low for the system we bought so we contacted iSpring and they sold us an upgrade with a pump to compensate for the low water pressure. We used the system for almost two years. During that time we purchased a single home and moved. One thing I insisted on taking was the iSpring R-O water system. In our new home, we encountered an unexpected problem; the kitchen counter top is almost 2" thick and that is right on the edge of being too thick for our faucet. Richard, our contact in iSpring sales was generously helpful as always. Here in Tucson, we found Water-Tec, an iSrping competitor who helped us with an extension tube for our faucet. Richard also provided us with a Refrigerator Ice Maker Kit and with all the pieces in place, we installed the system in our new home. We are so pleased to have our delicious R-O filtered water once again. It's taken us two months but it was worth the wait.

teresa toth | 4 out of 5 Stars!

I have not had good experiences with the quick-connect/sharkbite connectors. Partially this is because I may not have really known what I was doing, but they *always* leaked. (This was about 15 years ago.)So I was very hesitant about this filter when it came in with all the quick-connects.On the other hand, our old 3-stage Microline RO filter, which had been installed by professionals (i.e. they were paid to do it; no idea if they were licensed or anything) just before we bought our house ten years ago, used quick connect, and it never had any problems. It served us well for that time, but I went with iSpring because our when our well went weird with sediment one year, I had put in in iSpring whole house (non-RO) system and I was *very* happy with their customer service when dealing with hiccups.Anyway, when the new iSpring RO filter arrived, I took a deep breath and hoped for the best. I did notice that some of the new parts seemed better designed than the old ones. Fortunately, the pros had already installed the input and output connections into the cold water system, so that saved quite a bit of work. Especially important since working in such limited space as under a sink is such a pain. The lines weren't exactly the same, but between input, output, and faucet, it wasn't hard to map from one to the other. The pictures in the installation instructions were *GREAT*.All the instructions that came with the filter were quite good - much better than any instructions I've seen for a complex device. In fact, they were so good that when things went wrong last night (it was leaking in two places), I reread the instructions and it gave me a pretty good guess at what they were going to tell me to do. So I cut the tubes an inch shorter (one of the leaks was caused by iSpring (i.e. precut and pre-installed incorrectly, apparently), one was my fault), rubbed a tiny amount of plumber's grease on them, and re-inserted them. Viola. Leak gone.The only thing I wish the instructions would have told me is that during the first hour, when you're supposed to let the system flush out, the water comes out relatively slowly - like a badly leaking faucet that you can't turn off. My wife was convinced that we were going to need to send it back. But after thinking about it, I realized that this why RO filters need a storage container--75 gallons a day is only 3.124 gallons per hour, or less than a cup per minute. And sure enough, this morning we had a nice flow (about a gallon before I decided that I had better things to do with my time). I should mention, however, that I had already spent an extra $60 or so getting a 5.5 gallon storage tank.
E Djix | 5 out of 5 Stars!

have used since 2016 and it's still flawless. The filter change every 6 months is painful but worth it. The 2-yr filter change takes me 2 hours....

jw | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The system is affordable and very simple to install and maintain. 75 GPD was plenty for my family and the unit fits well under my sink. Great Product! Neat clear cap for the sediment filter too.