DAVID OLICHNEY | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Will keep this one simple: the water is simply beyond compare; boil our mains water in a kettle once and you see deposits forming before your very eyes (in real time) and don’t get me started on the taste.. post filter.. no deposits (it’s been a month!) and the taste is simply amazing! Installation was very easy (got a bit baffled in the beginning as my instructions were not for the 7 stage + pump system and, perhaps, not very clear BUT they have posted videos on their website and following those was a doddle). Do clear the pump separately (just power on to run some water through it and into a bucket prior to connecting the line to the filters) as it spewed out an impressive amount of white lubricant (the filters would filter it out but why introduce unneeded contamination). Apart for that, everything needed was in the kit (less 1 single olive to connect the top pipe after splicing in the adaptor BUT that is not a part of the kit to begin with) and the system is quiet in everyday use (even at night). Ps: just for fun try to answer the following question: how does the storage tank with only 1 line running to it (i.e., the one line is used to both put water into the tank and to deliver it out) work (even when the system is active). It is a very simple design (once you consider it) but an interesting one nonetheless.
Jazer Martinez | 5 out of 5 Stars!

so far so good!
LAURA WALLS | 4 out of 5 Stars!

We have had our iSpring water filtration system for more than a year and love it. We should have made the switch from bottled water a long time ago!
brian nace | 5 out of 5 Stars!

very easy install accept for the crapped space my cabinets are to put it in. Suggest putting a 4" high temp platform of some sort right in front of the base cabinet to ease the installation of the unit without hurting your back. Also put most of the unit together before going under the sink cabinet. Very pleased with the taste of the water. took all of the water softner taste out and now enjoy drink well water. Love the small hole that the faucet came with. Much easier to drill hole in counter and didnt need an expensive drill bit.
George Lowell | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We've been using this for a while now worth great results. I modified it to run both the ice maker in the fridge and the supplied faucet at the sink and its been great. I was pleasantly suprized with the quality of the faucet and the filter housings.
Ian McNamara | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Good product, TDS down to 17PPM, water taste better, and very nice support.
Zexuan Dong | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Sleek stainless faucet, clear instructions, packaged well, supply line fitting adapters included. One word of advice I would recommend to flush the storage tank and system at least 10 times in addition to what the instructions suggest or you will notice a strong plastic taste to your water. It goes away eventually but a little unsettling at first. Other than that this is a quality product, after running for a month its testing at 22 TDS with low runoff waste water.
Nancy Roes | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Top Rated USA brand since 2005, this is by far the best quality water you can drink. It has the benefit of a PH between 7 to 8.5. and the filters are sold in a one year kit which makes maintenance a snap
Rip Rowland | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I installed this to replace the 10-year-old filter system which was in our house when we moved in. We had never had an installed water filter system, and quickly grew to love having convenient, great-tasting water. The old system was working fine, but replacement filters were too costly. After some doing some research, I decided to go with iSpring, because of the price point and good reviews. Installation was simple, although I did experience a few leaks before I figured out how to push the hose into the fittings correctly. Weve had the iSpring for over a year now, and are very happy with it. Our city water is pretty good to start with, but the iSpring filter makes it taste amazing. We have gone back to filling ice cube trays with filtered water, because we notice a taste difference when we use ice from the automatic ice maker (not able to easily connect the ice-maker supply to the iSpring-filtered water). Faucet looks great and works great, too.
stephen im | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Had system in for few months now. Very happy with water quality