Jerome Romero | 5 out of 5 Stars!

After reading a lot reviews and watching Youtube videos, I zeroed in on this Top-Tier RO System due to the fact that the company is here in the US in case I need support. The water tastes really good and we are saving so much money by not paying a monthly fee to have a company rent us a system.
sean mckenna | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I had some reverse osmosis systems before this one and my TDS meter previously read 56 and contained flouride and chlorine. Now with this ispring system, my filtered water only tests 8! So shows its good! I am getting water tested again to see what the changes are on the filter. First off I can give you the tester readings to compare; Tap water prior to the system being installed was the 387 TDS I stated above, the reading for the Nestle Purified Water we drink came in at 37 TDS, and the reading for the ro100 reverse osmosis has been between 9-12 TDS. Should have installed this unit earlier!
biodun bolarin | 5 out of 5 Stars!

According to my Water Quality TDS Tester our regular faucet water is 157 PPM and tastes pretty bad. After installing the system we discarded the first 2 tanks of water (used the water for our plants). TDS said 7 ppm. Quite impressive!
Edward Kalinka | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We cook, make coffee, use ice, fill water bottles and even the dog enjoys the cleaner taste. Love this system!
Santos (melisendra) Nuzolillo | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Easy to follow installation instruction. Everything required for installation was included. Been installed for about 3 weeks now and working good so far.
Charles Wiebe | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Had around 180 PPM in my tap water. Now it's 17. Very affordable and I am telling all my friends about this product!
Deborah Morrison | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Would definitely recommend this iSpring 5 stage system. The tap water has a conductivity of 230 micro Siemens per centimeter or total dissolved solids of 154 mg/l. The system reduces it to 14! Amazing!
Jason Giffen | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Works well easy install hardest part was drilling the hole through the stainless sink. Recommend to watch their Youtube video for installation. Very clear and straightforward.
Shanon Morris | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Easy to install, even with granite counters. Great product and service.
David Friel | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Only part I had to buy was a 'T' for the icemaker line. Nice system.