Pam Stanley | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great tasting water. I had some issues with proper torque on the fitting at the supply line and the fitting on the pressure tank. I understand that torque specs on a system like this is a bit much but Id like to be more comfortable with the torque values. I had a leak at the supply line due to over tightening (ripped rubber o-ring) and a leak at the pressure tank (under tightened). Still 5 stars because it was my installation that was ultimately responsible for the issues. Thanks.
Ben Pallan | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Before this, we were using a Brita in the fridge. With a family of 6, there was a lot of refilling time, pulling the Brita tank out of the fridge, standing at the sink, staring out the window as it filled--you get the picture. I used an existing hole that was occupied by a rarely used soap dispenser for the filtered water faucet, so I did not have to drill any countertop holes. Pretty easy installation with a little fore-planning. You need to figure out how much room you need, where youll mount it, your water connections, etc. The directions are fairly clear, Im handy but no master plumber and was able to get everything done in about an hour or so. Best of all, theres more room in the fridge and the water coming out of the filter tastes *great*.
Duane Levoy | 4 out of 5 Stars!

Good filter system.A couple of things to remember:- the tubing color coding will be a little different because you will have to use the different colors to complete the installation- the tubing connectors must be secured tightly and pushed all the way through then pulled out slightly otherwise they will leak- the kit comes with blue plastic clips to protect the tubing release plastic piece, they are useful- the kit comes with a leak sensor, set it up higher and mount the prongs low- let the filter run for about half an hour to an hour before drinking the water- replace the filters every 6 months to a year depending on frequency of use
ZHONG WEN | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I purchased this to replace a seven year old clunky RO system that although I liked, I found the filters, connections and big heavy under counter tank difficult to navigate. Disinfecting the tank was a nightmare as well, talk about "under pressure" its a 1/2 day to clean out the tank, change filters, re-pressurize and re-plumb everything. My only concern with swapping to this was using my mini instant hot tank. I had to replace that as well after seven years and that is what led me to getting this filtration system. I was concerned because I read a answer in regards to an instant hot question that said "do not put hot water through filtration system" but that isnt how instant hot water mini tanks work, as they are the "end" of the I thought, Ill give it a go. The unit is quite large, youll need about 24" x 18" linear inches on your cupboard side wall (although this unit could also stand with added support to be sure it doesnt ever fall over). All I did for install was literally swap my old in and the out lines. Thats it, 2 minutes. I did run the cold for about 10 minutes to get it flowing (my feed valve is only about 1/3 open btw) and get water into the instant hot tank. I am still using my old faucet and am happy to report that the hot water tank filled right up with use of the new filtered cold water. I believe this system will be much easier to maintain and the water tastes really great, dare I say better than the RO! I also like that it is cold, the RO is room temp since its feeding from the tank. More than enough connections and tubing is included for install should you need them. Although I am not using the faucet, it is of high quality and looks good. How fortunate are we to have the option to filter pre-treated city water that comes directly INTO our houses!!??
Victoria Colligan | 5 out of 5 Stars!

great flow and taste
Nam Nguyen | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Fantastic product and great customer service. I was having trouble with leaking, but it turned out I wasnt pushing the tubing far enough into the quick-fitting valves. To help me troubleshoot, the guys sent me a replacement part without any charge just to test it out. Had I nailed that the first time, it would have only taken about 30 minutes to set up and Im a total non-plumbing person novice. Water tastes great and clean. Good quality water dispenser.
Jose Manuel Aguilar | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This product was very easy to install. It works beautifully and the finished water product is delicious. I highly recommend this product.
Vijai Singh | 5 out of 5 Stars!

A very nice system. Very good tasting water. A great improvement over our very hard and chlorinated citys ground water. The filter went in in an afternoon with basic tools and a little plumbing experience. No leaks and no problems so far. The filter change look a little more involved than I had hoped but definitely doable.
TODD VAN DE HEY | 4 out of 5 Stars!

I did not buy this system, but while I was comparison shopping (this system vs. iSprings 7-stage r/o system) I asked some important questions. Here are the answers I received directly from Josh at iSpring on 3/7/2017, along with some information I researched elsewhere.1. Will this system work with a (salt) water softener? No, the salt will survive the filtering and remain in the water, which is not advised. Salt can raise your blood pressure so having an added source of salt in your diet is not advised. It will also wear out membranes in these systems faster.2. Will this system remove flouride? It will reduce flouride by approximately 60%, leaving approximately 40% of the original flouride amount in the filtered water coming out of this system.3. Will this system remove chromium 6? No, it will not remove chromium or other very small particles.4. Where is this system made? China, but assembled in the USA.5. Where are the filters made? China.6. What minerals remain? All the minerals added to the tap water by your City survive the filtration process.7. What is the expected pH of the filtered water from this system? It will be the same as the tap water. This is not an alkaline filter.8. Can this be hooked up to a fridge water & ice maker? Yes, there is a kit sold separately for that purpose, it just requires a T and line setup. (I had my 7 stage system connected to my freezer drawers ice maker, very easy and totally worth it!)I hope this information is helpful for others trying to decide on the right system for them. I had my other iSpring 7-stage r/o system for 5 years, and over that time iSprings customer service has improved significantly to where I cant imagine buying a system from another company. There are so many choices, so make sure you call iSpring and ask all of your questions to choose the right system for you, theyre very helpful!
Jacek Smolecki | 5 out of 5 Stars!

This product works great. Its really easy to setup. Everything was packaged nicely and the instructions were extremely helpful. Even the water dispenser looks great! One thing I do recommend is to cover the clear filter twist on cap so that algae does not grow in case you have it in the sun or has some sort or lighting. Great product!!!