Jeramie Rentfrow | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great price and easy install. Reduced PPM from 207 to 20.
Pat Welch | 4 out of 5 Stars!

I've had this system for about 5 months now. It has been working really well and I do taste a difference in water quality. I know its filtering out a lot of junk because I see the cloudy water through the clear filter housing. My only thing against this setup was that the water valve that came with the system didn't work with standard compression type water fitting. I had to spend 15 bucks on another valve to make the setup work. Overall, it works great and produces water really fast.
Luis Lopez | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Absolutely Love this product, was worried about installation for nothing. I just took my time followed the directions. Most importantly, I watched the Youtube videos and it walked you right through the process. I have no plumbing experience and knocked it out in a few hours and really took my time. I also added an ice maker line. My water went from 200-300 ppm down to under 10 and my family loves it. My only advice is make sure you push the colored tubes in farther than you would think into the pre/clamped attachment points. (This will make more sense when your doing it). I did not push them in very far to start with and had leaks on testing, Great news was I just shut water off, pushed in farther, felt the lock kick in and no problems. Awesome product.
Shane Gillespie | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I was going to pay someone to install this system because I am scared to mess around with the plumbing in this house. But after watching the YouTube video a couple of times and reading the instructions from front to back at least three times I felt confident enough to tackle this job. I strongly advise anyone attempting this to really read the instructions especially the tips at the beginning. It took me less than three hours, but I'm a pro now and could probably do it in one hour. I just sat down to register the warranty and the website directed me back to write a review. I have just drained the first tank, which they recommend that you not use, and I'm waiting for it to refill. I can't wait to taste the water. I am so sick of wasting money on bottled water, not to mention the tons of plastic thats used. I really wanted to filter out the flouride thats in the tap water as well as gets rid of that chlorine taste. I plan on purchasing a water tester to compare between the filtered water and the tap. Also its a good idea to test the filtered water to check for efficacy, and if its time to replace any filters. This system does take up a lot of space under my counter. I have two sink drains and the dishwasher drain too. Be sure you have the space. If I had a garbage disposal there would be no way this would have fit. I will update this review when Ive had time to enjoy the water. My sink had a hole already that was for a soap dispenser, if not, I definitely would have someone drill that for me. Everything went so smooth that I think I might hook up the ice maker (that we don't use) in our fridge.
ROBERT LOGAN | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Excellent system. Water quality is also excellent. Relatively easy to install and maintain. Highly recommend.
Nick Grissom | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Great tasting water. Took our tap water from a TDS of 479 to 32. Just out of curiousity we tested our neighbors water who also has a RO system. The only difference is that she has never replaced any of her filters in over 7 years. Guess what her TDS was 56! These systems continue to do a great job much longer than what the printed lifespan of the filters may lead. Tested one other neighbors RO system and it came to 78. That neighbor also reported that he had not replaced any of his filters in over 4 years. I know it depends on the amount of use, but both of these neighbors have good sized families. Overall it is a great system, install was easy, and with the included water leak detector we have peace of mind. I was quoted $500, $800, and higher by local companies who wanted to sell and install similar products. Don't get tricked anyone can install this filter system. Side note my wife and kids are drinking a lot more water due to the better taste and partially because of the excitement of something new, but nonetheless we are all feeling healthier. I have lost about 15 pounds since I've started making more of a conscious effort to drink more water, and can't really attribute it to anything else. Wish I had bought this filter system for my family 10 years ago.
Kirk Cross | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I loved my old RO unit and this one is definitely an upgrade.
Andrew Jones | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I purchased this system because I use well water and it has a heavy sulphur smell. This installed in less than an hour with tools around the house and installed by myself. The water quality was high and love not having to purchase drinking water.
Shawn Prasla | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I installed the iSpring filter system in our motorhome a little over a year ago. We have it plumbed in so the filtered water is going into our 100 gallon fresh water tank. We drink, cook, shower and do laundry with the filtered water no matter how bad the water is at the campground we are at. The iSpring water filtering system has had no problem meeting our daily water needs. We are pleased with the build quality of system as well as the quantity and quality of fresh water it produces.
igor melnic | 5 out of 5 Stars!

works great easy to install