barbara martin | 5 out of 5 Stars!

The system is fantastic. I have been using it for a few years with no complaints. The water tastes great.
Alicja Dziedzic | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have had it for 6 months and I love it.
PHILLIP MONESTERO | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I bought it to test my reverse osmosis system. It is small, lightweight, quick, and seems to be very reliable. If you have any question about ur ro system, I highly recommend this one. Great price!!
Lorraine DeBonis | 5 out of 5 Stars!

It works exactly as it should.For those of you complaining about it not reading the same in different temperatures, let me explain: Hot water naturally contains more contaminates that it picks up while traveling through your hot water heater. So the hotter your water: the higher the contaminates.As well, micro air bubbles will be picked up, so allow your freshly drawn water to sit about a minute before testing.
Jeff Sutton | 5 out of 5 Stars!

good quality
james gray | 5 out of 5 Stars!

So this little baby let us know that the new home we bought has a refrigerator with the water dispenser/ice cube maker hooked up to a water source that comes from the softener! Seriously. Who does that? The prior occupant probably had sky high blood pressure drinking cold water and using ice cubes from the frig. The frig filter cannot filter out all the salt. It tested around 250 ppm. The type of filter in the frig should have read somewhere under 100 ppm.Tap water from the kitchen sink that isnt hooked up to a softened water source tested at 750 ppm. Water from the sink side reverse osmosis tested at 50 ppm. Distilled water (just for fun to see if the unit is anywhere close to accurate) was zero. Yay!The case is handy and it will ensure the cap for the unit wont get lost. The digital readout could be a bit clearer to read, but no real complaint enough to take away a star.The unit clearly warns that it is not water proof and to only submerge it up to 2 inches. We use the cap to hold the water for testing and then that ensures the unit wont get damaged.
matthew Stebbins | 5 out of 5 Stars!

l thought this was a great purchase for the money. Just turn it on and put in the water and results are immediate. It has a plastic cap to cover the element, and comes with a plastic case as well. I dont care if its exactly accurate, just wanted a ballpark for my well water. But I installed an under sink water filter, and can see how effective the filter was. And its a good tool to see if its time to replace your filter. I also use it to see if my Pur pitcher filter needs to be replaced. Also interesting to see the difference in ppm between your hot water and your cold water.
Anna Kletskova | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Seems to work great (I have nothing else to compare it to). Came with batteries. Ill be using it to check to see if my RO system is working or needs new filters. Claims to be accurate +/-2%. I havent seen any readings that would indicate there is anything wrong. Repeats well, I can take several readings and get the same expected numbers.
Lena Utrobina | 4 out of 5 Stars!

This was easy to use, however, I bought this for my Mom. I originally had 1 from Zero Water filter system a long time ago and it included a reader. That one had a sticker on the back that showed what the different reading levels meant. I assumed this would too and was really disappointed that it does not. It would have been easy to include it in the instructions as well. So you are left trying to figure out what the actual reading means on your own. That kinda irritates me and Im perplexed why they would assume people just know if a reading of say 50 vs 150 is good or bad. What the heck is the point of having a reader that doesnt explain WHAT you are looking at?!
Peter Knox | 5 out of 5 Stars!

A few generations ago, the legendary jazz pianist Clarence Williams sang, Michigan water tastes like sherry wine. I wonder what lyrics he would have written if he were writing Michigan Water Blues today? We have the same issues with lead in our water in my hometown of Pittsburgh, and unlike the Standells, I dont love my dirty water. Fortunately my daughter brought this product to my attention. I cant speak to the ease of installation because my future son-in-law took care of that for me, but I can say that it was easy to watch him do it. A detailed manual is included with all the instructions, including a trouble-shooting guide and tips on when to change filters. The water tastes great; youll notice a big difference. This is well worth the investment.