Josh Randall | 4 out of 5 Stars!

I like it. The water is great. The first few days the water had a funny odor and taste so we put it in a pitcher and let it sit the taste went away. After about 4 days that went away and now we drink it from the tap. I did run into was that it seems to be difficult to change filters and is clumsy. The UV controller 2 White wires needs to be about 6 inches longer I broke mine just moving it around so I fixed it and lengthened it. Installing the faucet I have granite counter tops and used a preexisting hole for the soap dispenser it had a one inch hole so it took a little ingenuity to mount the faucet. They should include a adapter for this because a lot of people may mount the same as I did and may not be able to overcome the issue. All that said I still worry about whether it will leak.
John Schroeder | 5 out of 5 Stars!

We really enjoy this product. Being a private well, we were concerned about having high quality drinking water. We paired it with a regular large size filter and softener and our drinking water is bottled water quality. This is amazing considering we start with really bad well water! It's very easy to use and once initially installed, requires very little maintaining- just changing the filters every 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years. Highly recommend!
Deborah Zappa | 4 out of 5 Stars!

The product works good but was not easy to get it to stop leaking once installed. It also came with a missing part.
brian beebe | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Easy install, crystal clear water!This took me less than an hour to install, and I took my time and read the instructions. a couple of the plastic fittings seemed like they shouldnt work, but that just shows you how much I know about plumbing. Everything went together flawlessly, and everything but the drill and drill bit were included.I have more fish tanks in my house than my wife cares for, and having the filtered water in our new location was extremely important to me. I extensively test my water regularly and even test the fresh water I am introducing into my tanks.The water comes out with perfect parameters for my freshwater fish, once I harden it a some. All foreign contaminants that I am able to test for are gone, compared to the tap source.Being this is the first and only filtration system I have installed I cannot compare my experience, but it was straightforward and easy.The price and quality are both exceptional and iSpring filters have won my familys vote!
Ted Tanouye | 5 out of 5 Stars!

update.... ispring and I had a disconnect and it has since been straightened out. as Iwrote earlier the product is great, but I was un-satisfied with the customer service, wellthats all behind us now. they worked with me till all my issues were resolved, evencalled- unsolicited- to make sure all was going is good again.ok. I love the product. but I hate the service/support. there is none. call the number,, nothing. fortunately Im pretty handy, so I was able to work around the problem I raninto, but no thanks to ispring, or whoever they are.
ruvin grutman | 5 out of 5 Stars!

First things first, I have well water and a whole house filter system in place that includes a sediment filter and chlorinator. The system was installed when I bought my home and the water tasted really odd, which I assume is because I had to add bleach to the chlorinator. There are mineral deposits on all of the shower heads and in the metal sink drains from the pre-existing system, which tells me that something isnt working very well to make my water pure.I have been buying Aquafina 24 packs of bottled water @$5 for years going through ~5/week that comes out to ~$25/week (unless the prices vary). I was gettin tired of having to carry the water into the house and having to recycle over a hundred plastic bottles per week. In addition to those bottles I was also buying 3 one gallon packs of distilled water for my coffee machine.I finally had enough and decided to sign up for water service from Crystal Springs, which to put it briefly was a total disaster. Every step of the process with this company was a struggle from the initial sign-up, through deliveries, to cancellation and picking-up equipment. I really dont recommend these DS water service (Crystal Spring) people if you have any alternative. Putting it in perspective, I spent less time setting up my iSpring seven stage filter than I did just on hold waiting to talk to DS customer service.With a little background established, I have to say that I had a fairly easy time setting up the filter system because I didnt have to drill a hole in my counter or sink. Instead, I elected to remove the handheld dish sprayer from the side and utilize the existing hole for the filtered water faucet. This was a bit of a hassle for other reasons than the installation of the filter, particularly that I didnt know how to take the sprayer apart for removal and then I reassembled it incorrectly. I will be replacing my main faucet with a sprayer style built in to resolve the lack of a sprayer for my dishes.The entire installation too me around 2.5 hours with some interruption and sprayer complication. I cycled the system per the instructions to flush out the tank and filters. The water initially was a little cloudy after purging and refilling, so I flushed it again to be safe. The water was a little clearer and tasted pretty good over the pre-filtered state. I left the tank overnight and had a glass of water the next morning and noted a very odd taste and smell to the water. Before purchace, I read several reviews of the system and was concerned that I was getting stage 7 (untraviolet light) contamination as others have indicated they experienced. Per other reviews I tried filling and emptying the tank a few times, but after a few hours it seemed like the water started to taste nasty again. I was about to return the system and chalk it up to another failed venture, but I decided to give iSpring customer service a chance to see if there was another possible culprit. They said that the tank is to blame because of the bladder that it inside of the standard tank. It is some sort of plastic or rubber material that some people are more sensitive to thank others. They suggested that with regular use the taste would even out and become more balanced, but Id already tried emptying out the tank several times with no improvement in taste after a few hours of sitting. They offered to send me a new "special" tank that is redesigned for people that are sensitive to the other tank. I accepted the replacement tank offer and waited for it to arrive. They said that I could use the system with the tank turned off, but the flow of water was almost nonexistant, so it was pretty unrealistic to use the system without the pressurized tank. It took ~4 days to get the new tank and just a few minutes to install it, but WOW what a difference! The water is no longer cloudy and the smell is gone. This now meets most of my water needs since I can fill drinking glasses and my BPA free water bottles for when Im in the office or on the go. Thank you for the replacement tank iSpring, please consider including this tank by default on all of your newly purchased kits. I saw that youve taken customer feedback into consideration with the untraviolet light portion by adding the pressure switch to the kit based on customer feedback. Im certain that all new customers will appreciate the "special" tank as a part of their kit, even if the cost is increased slightly.After everything that Ive been through just trying to get clean water, I recommend this system to anyone wanting a better alternative to bottled water or terrible delivery servce.
Kimberly Atkins | 5 out of 5 Stars!

sadfasdf ad | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Product works well and their support is pretty responsive as one of the parts spring a tiny leak (small trace of water) they offered to replace.
Avery Calhoun | 4 out of 5 Stars!

The i-Spring 7-Stage system is an excellent unit and I am very happy with the overall results. I followed the somewhat sparse instructions and had little difficulty installing the system. After purging both the filters and the tank, we have started using as our primary water supply at our cabin and I am impressed with the output. This is particularly encouraging given we do not have high pressure on our lines and I was concerned the system would not function.I would have given this system a 5-star rating but have a couple of reservations that limit that high a score:a.) I found the quick-connect connections to be very reliable and leak-free but the ones requiring a wrench were not as forgiving nor as easy to seal. Adding multiple twists of teflon tape helps but I still find the connection at the tap to be "iffy".b.) The brass connector included to attach the system to the water supply works well, but assumes all systems are standard 1/2" supplies. This is not an issue as a plumbing supply store solves that fairly easily but it would be valuable to know beforehand if one doesnt (I dont) have a supply store right done the street. Given that this type of system with both osmosis and UV protection is clearly designed for non-urban environments...thats an important point!
Ken Gertz | 5 out of 5 Stars!

They originally shipped my unit by UPS, which created all sorts of drama since UPS doesnt deliver to my rural address. But iSprings worked extra hard at getting my unit to me, contacting me and keeping me up to date. Id given up on ever receiving it after UPS sent it to their boneyard and told us that there was no way to get it back. So iSprings sent another unit by USPS which arrived within a week, with no problems!Ive installed it and it works great. The flow is way better then Im used to from these types of systems. Im so happy to not have to buy water anymore.Great product and even better customer service!!!!PS. make sure you push the 1/4" tubes in past the second bump when connecting them.