David Rose | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Got the product as a replacement to my water filter that came with the house, which the filter it self is as much as this whole system. Received the iSpring and got installled in less than 30 minutes. Followed installation and gift instruction and with the entire setup got me a filtered water for 1 and half year for a price. Not a bad deal at all.
aaa bddd | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Installation is straightforward. Itll be better if the adaptors have dimension information. The water is 16 ppm according to TDS meter, while the tap water is ~270ppm, water after Brita filter is ~140 ppm.
Austin Swift | 5 out of 5 Stars!

good quality easy to assemble
israel krauss | 5 out of 5 Stars!

If anyone is considering buying a good water filter, look no further! The iSpring 7-Stage 75 GPD UV Ultra Violet Alkaline Mineral Reverse Osmosis Water System is what you want. If you think you might need help, do not worry! The customer service is excellent! They will make you feel nice and comfortable when you contact them. I am not sure if I can find the right words to express how fantastic experience I have had with iSpring exceptional customer service! But lets start from the beginning (not from Adam and Eve though, do not worry! LOL).Why I have bought a water filter.Most people do not know that the mineral water sold in plastic bottles is not healthy at all. There are 7 types of plastics and plastic containers are marked with a triangle of three "chasing arrows", which encloses a number giving the plastic type. The plastics which are typically used to hold water but also soft drinks, juice, sports drinks, beer, mouthwash, ketchup, and salad dressing are made from a plastic marked as number 1. That indicates that those containers are made of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). Although that plastic is considered to be safe, it contains antimony, a metalloid element with toxic qualities, which leaches from PET. The rate of leakage increases with temperature and can yield unhealthy levels in bottles stored in higher temperature. Antimony can cause acute and chronic health issues, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and stomach ulcers. Brominated compounds can also leach into PET bottles. They can irritate the skin, mucous membranes, and tissues. If you bear in mind that even though the levels of toxins leached from PET could be considered as on a safe level, they may accumulate in your system over a period of time becoming a serious health risk. That is why I decided to install a multilevel water filtration system at my home.Why I have bought iSpring 7-Stage 75 GPD UV Ultra Violet Alkaline Mineral Reverse Osmosis Water System.The iSpring 7-Stage 75 GPD UV Ultra Violet Alkaline Mineral Reverse Osmosis Water System seemed to be the best offer on the market. It cleans your water from everything you need for a good price. I was not sure if I should order the system with or without the booster pump. I live in a big city and I thought the city water pressure should be strong enough to work with the system so I decided to go for the one without the booster pump.My buying experience.The order arrived quickly and before I even started installing the system, I received an e-mail from iSpring to thank for the purchase and to say that if the Feed Water Adapter (AFW) that taps into the cold water line did not fit my plumbing specifications, they would fully refund (shipping included) for the order of the AFWs that I needed. They included two links to AFWs which I could choose from. Once I ordered the AFW, I e-mailed iSpring customer service and almost instantly I was issued the full refund for my order!My installation experience.The installation of the system was easy. The package contained a very easy instruction with colour photos leading you through all the steps of the process. If you do everything as the instruction manual says, you will be fine. I did not have any problem at all, no leakage whatsoever.My surprise.Everything was fine but I noticed that my water tank stored only 2-2.5 litres of water. I wanted to use filtered water not only for drinking and cooking but also for washing fruits and vegetables and that volume of water was not acceptable for me.My contact with the customers service.I e-mailed customer service and they replied very quickly giving me a short check list. It was very easy to follow the instruction and give the system a check. The whole process took a couple of minutes. Further instructions made us come to a conclusion that my water pressure was below 45 psi and that was a problem. I needed a system with a booster pump. I was too optimistic thinking that my city water should be fine and I did not need the booster pump. Once we identified the problem, the iSpring customer service came with a solution. To make it easier for me and avoid possibly a bit complicated installation of the booster pump and its components on my existing system, they offered ordering a machine head with a booster pump factory installed. And here comes the best! As they understood that the water storage was of great inconvenience to me, they reduced the price of the machine head from 90 to 50 dollars! Since it had to be shipped from iSpring office in the United States, not the shop in the United Kingdom, where I live, that would generate some extra costs of shipping and the import tax. iSpring customer service offered me splitting the costs of shipping and the import tax!Solving the problem.My problem was solved. After installation the machine head with booster pump, the tank stores about 10 litres of water and that is what I need! I can hardly hear the pump working. The water pressure is very good and the tank fills up very quickly. The water tastes fantastic, much better than bottled water, no plastic aftertaste.My final thoughts.What else would you want from a customer service?! They could not do anything more or better! They are exceptionally kind, understanding, efficient, and professional! I highly recommend iSpring water to everybody. They are like a good friend, who is always around when you need them. I was very lucky having chosen iSpring and their product.
ray Bhakta | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have had my system for 2 years and love the quality of water it creates. One of the best things is I have eliminated the use and need for a filter in my refrigerator and bypassed it to use ispring water for my ice cubes and drinking water and I dont have to constantly replace the refrigerator filter like they want you to do.
Kevin Nichols | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I purchased this product 2 years ago. I have loved it since day one. We had a little issue and Ispring solved it with a pressure switch to turn the UV light off. I have had other systems and this is by far the best tasting water out there in our opinion. If you follow the direction with the filters and just do not wing it the change out is easy as well. Tip.. Make sure you have all the hoses fully pushed in and seeded. When my hands are wet I noticed it never fails I usually fail to slip one in all the way. Just dry your hands and the issue is an easy fix. This system is awesome! I mean Awesome. Especially for those wanting to save money on products like Smart Water.
Warren Dean | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Ive had my iSpring 7 for about 2 years now and not only does the water taste fantastic, but the customer support at iSpring is quick and very helpful at just an email away. The installation will seem complicated at first, but if you watch the video on youtube, it actually makes sense as you start to put it together.About the customer support, my filters all needed to be replaced to include the RO membrane and shortly after replacing them, the TDS meter climbed from 35 to 145 in a few weeks. Concerned, I emailed iSpring about my results with the water, and Mrs. Helen Chang replied back with certain ways for me to test it. After a few testing, and emails, she sent me a new shut-off valve and RO membrane that arrived in two days and it rectified the issue. Now Im back to clean drinking water, without breaking the bank. If that doesnt show you a company that stands by their product, I dont know what will. By the way, I dont use the UV filter and my tap water currently reads 189 TDS and the iSpring 7 reduces it down to 27 TDS! You cant beat that for the price. If you are considering purchasing the iSpring system, do it. If you dont like it, contact iSprings and Im sure they will find a way to make you happy.Stay thirsty my friends.
Rick Biesiadecki | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Step up your water game. If you have the funds, get the 7-stage. I love having fresh drinking water when I feel thirsty. Eliminate the need to survive and you start living again.
claudia cabanillas | 4 out of 5 Stars!

The water system was well packaged and it was not complex to install compared to older system Ive had from another n manufacturer.While installing this system Ive had couple issues which could have been remedied by inclusion of slightly different parts and actual correct diagram of all of the tube connections (manual gives you somewhat correct black and white diagram which is quite generalized). Ive had three hiccups with system installation:- first one turned out to be cold water female pipe adapter which refused to work with copper male adapter due to unnecessary deep connection seating; I had to obtain separate small adapter to adjust seating of copper pipe to stop it from leaking. In simple words, beware if you have copper piping to deal with.- second one turned out to be misunderstanding on diagram as to how water tank would be connected. All I had to resolve it is to connect tank to a different socket and viola, system was working correctly. I would have appreciated some markers or labels as to where connections would go, or better yet colorful photo with supplied diagram to understand how all of the tubes are connected.- third one was to fix sensor connector wire which snapped off out of connector. Since Im fairly skilled in fixing electronics this was quickly mendedOverall this is very good system. It houses no pump so there is very little noise if at all. Water taste is better than in the system it replaced.
Ciara Smith | 2 out of 5 Stars!

Almost all the fittings started leaking after some weeks. I had to deal with a big flood in my kitchen. The company had to ship replacement parts and that solved the issue.