Matthew Wagler | 5 out of 5 Stars!

no more bottled water and wasting plastic
david kulakowski | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Works great. Saves loads of money not having to buy bottled water.
emily young | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I have 2 of these filters. I have 2 different faucets. The faucet with the external threads, it works just fine. The faucet with the internal threads, the included adapter will not work.I contacted iSpring vie email about 2 weeks ago - as of yet no answer.update: iSprings asked me to call them directly to solve the problem. I contacted Corey at iSpring; he understood the problem, and sent me an adapter. The adapter works great. Corey should get a raise :)I increased my rating to 5 stars, since both filters work great. (AND Great customer service).
DANNY MARTIN | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Purchased this almost a year ago and still love it! The water taste so much better than the tap. Never thought I would notice such a difference, but my family has found it hard to drink water from restaurants.
cang ngo | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I now love to drink water!!!!
Ivan Tsitovich | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Very happy with the our new water filter! We werent able to drink water from our faucet because of the high levels of iron in our well. But now every glass we pour is sparkling clear and tastes delicious! Highly recommend this product to anyone who needs this.
Gary Waits | 5 out of 5 Stars!

By Far this s the best over the counter filter I have used. It removed the chlorine taste out of the water and the water became much better to drink. It simply works and whats great about it is the way you switch the valve to divert water into the filter. Most or all the other filters use a cheap valve thats difficult to operate and might not work properly when you pull on it to divert water into the filter, NOT this filter. This filter has a blue sturdy plastic knob that you switch to divert the water that my six year old daughter can operate!!The best two things about this filter are:One - It worksTwo - Just as important , the companys customer support is the best I have seen and they are an email or phone call away!! I didnt know this until I needed to replace the valve after two years of use and; right after contacting customer Service, Andrew sent me the part the next day!! He was very professional, courteous and willing to help, everything you would want from a company representative to be. Thanks a million Andrew if youre ever in New York Area, youre welcome to come and work for our company anytime!!In Summary, the filter works and if you ever need support, its there. In addition to all that, the price is more than fair.I highly recommend this company and their product after first hand experience.
Armando Zamora | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Installation was pretty straight forward, took about 1 hour. I must say that after filling and draining the storage tank twice, the filtered water is delicious.
Shane Butcher | 5 out of 5 Stars!

My wife thinks this is the best water in Florida as there is no chemical tastes at all. She finds it difficult to drink water out in different restaurants and even brings a small container with her to some places. We mounted it under the sink in the garage to save space in the kitchen and I fill 2 or 3 jugs every other day with no problem. Have purchased filters and change every 6 to 9 months on some of them, according to usage
Liam Smith | 1 out of 5 Stars!

I don't see any difference between CKC1C and tap water. No worth it. No difference on PPM either. Very dissapointed.