0 0 | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Before I would only drink water from bottles at work. If you have any concerns regarding the plastic bladder in the tank: After reaching out to customer service, they ensured that the bladder in the tanks is BPA free.
David Hardy | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I installed this system about a month ago. Overall I am very satisfied! Thank you, iSpring!
0 0 | 5 out of 5 Stars!

My water bill went up because this is gravity fed, but the peace of mind is worth it! No ingesting medication for chemicals introduced by the Water Department. TDS was about 8, which is very good given we have starting conditions up near 200.
Kevin Randolph | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Not sure why most people are getting around 20tds with this unit? Mine was 89! Maybe it was sent with a defective membrane?? ****update**** I contacted customer service and they sent me a new membrane overnight!! I installed it today and flushed the first tank and got readings of 4 tds With the new membrane! Im Certainly satisfied and greatful they have such good customer support!
Tom Yaeger | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Just follow the installation directions in the video from the company. Since my patience was slim to none, I was happy that I received this system in 2 days and got it installed in 2 hours.
Glenn Meng | 5 out of 5 Stars!

You can tell the system is made from quality materials. Took me two hours to install.
T. Marx | 4 out of 5 Stars!

The instructions are detailed and since our installation was not straightforward, we have some interpreting to do. We had to install the filters and tanks in a separate cabinet from the faucet, which required moving electrical and running longer water lines than those that were supplied. However, the results are excellent. Taste is good and no chlorine taste or odor. Time will tell about reliability. We only have 2 people living in the home so our usage is less....based on past experience we will exend the filter change cycle.
George Clark | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Instructional videos helped. The filtered water tastes SO much better.
Dan Tully | 5 out of 5 Stars!

It took me about 2 hours because I was super careful to avoid any possible leaking. Flushed the system and tank twice. Water tastes so good! Couldn't be happier.
Jill Thompson | 5 out of 5 Stars!

Awesome filter system. My Plants love it too ; ).