Please Note:
This water softener DOES NOT have a built-in sediment filter. So if there is a lot of sediment in your water, we recommend installing a pre-filter such as iSpring WSP50ARB sediment filter before this system.
Iron would negatively impact the effectiveness of water softener and we highly recommend installing an iron filter before this system if there's iron in your water. Please check out iSpring WCFM500K whole house iron filter (3ppm < iron level < 12 ppm) or iSpring WGB32BM / WGB22BM / WGB21BM whole house iron filter (iron level < 3 ppm).
This water softener uses salt to soften water. If you want a saltless water descaler, please check out iSpring WDS150K, iSpring ED2000, or iSpring WSP50-SL water descalers.
You SHOULD NOT drink the water from any softener. If a water softener is necessary because the water is hard, we recommend adding a reverse osmosis drinking water system (like iSpring RCC7AK RO system) in the kitchen to remove the sodium that the softener leaves behind.